Sleepover at Sikowitz's

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Tori's POV

"But what if I'm not fine!" I cry at Andre who's currently playing as my doctor while I notice Sikowitz is creeping up to the side of me.

"Wh-wha-what if I die on that operating table! I have," I pause mid cry to see Sikowitz watching us very closely, "I have three children!"

"I'm sorry kids, excuse me," Sikowitz interrupts the scene and stands in front of me now. "I don't mean to interrupt the scene, but Tori, look at the red dot I drew on this card," he says holding out a blue index card with a big red dot in the middle of it.

I lean in to look closer and then, "BOO!"

"AHHHH!" I scream and fall backwards. What the hell man it's too early for this. "Sikowitz! You scared the fudge out of me!" I yell at our odd teacher.

"Why did you stop crying?" He squats down to ask me now.

"What!?" I ask confused.

"You were playing the role of a crying woman told she was just going to have surgery. Why did you break character?" He asks again.

"Cuz you interrupted our scene and screamed 'boo' in my face," I quip back annoyed.

"Tori and Andre, take your seats. I'm trying to teach you about method acting and that means no matter what happens you MUST stay in that character, the ENTIRE time."

The bell then went off and everyone got up to leave, and just as we were leaving we saw Sikowitz sit down and let out a large sigh. We all stopped and I decided to step forward and say something.

"Look I'm sorry we disappointed you," I apologize.

"Yeah we just think that method acting is kind of dumb," Robbie says while the others agree.

"Oh of course you think method acting is dumb," Silowitz starts, "it's too challenging for you," he says waving a dismissive hand in the air towards us.

"Yeah I really don't think THATS the issue here," Jade deadpans. It's been a couple of weeks since our wood incident, she's definitely distanced herself from me, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't doing the same. I'm not sure what happened that day, but she said some really hurtful stuff and made it pretty clear she doesn't want to be around me, so if that's the way she wants it then fine.

"Staying in character no matter WHAT happens is only something true professional actors can pull off. Sometimes I forget you're all just children. Amateurs," Sikowitz continues to bait us.

"He just called us amateurs!" Cat cries out.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you AMATEUR feelings."

"HE DID IT AGAIN!" Cat gasps.

"Look I really don't think method acting is that hard," Beck steps up.

"Then I issue a challenge!" Sikowitz suddenly gets excited showing this is what he had planned all along.

"What kind of challenge?" I played along, my competitive side coming out now.


"I DO!" Jade jumps out of her seat instantaneously as though she was a child that was just offered superpowers. We all look at her confused.

"Oh c'mon, you guys don't wanna see where this lunatic lives?" She says defensively. "No offense," she now says to the coconut loving man.

"So what's the plan?" Cat asks curiously.

"All of you will show up at my house on Friday night at 7pm, each of you will be playing a distinct character, and you must stay in your character, til Saturday morning," he explains.

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