Oscar-Grammy Power Couple

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Jade's POV

After picking up the distressed latina, we had decided to head over to my house since neither of us were in the mood to be outside.

"You think he'll actually do it?" I ask the quiet girl sitting in thought next to me on the couch.

"I think he's already started," she murmurs tossing her phone my way. I pick it up and see all the different notifications from social media platforms and random numbers calling her out.

"Is it too late to ask the T-Mobile rep for a new number?" I try to joke to lighten the mood but all it earns me is a small sad smile from the girl beside me.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do," she sighs and rests her forehead in her hand.

"Drop out," I deadpan.

"Very funny," she replies.

"No seriously drop out," I repeat.

"Are you insane? I can't just drop out," she says looking up at me now.

"Well why not?" I ask.

She opens her mouth to answer but nothing comes out. "I just can't okay," she finally says. "What would I do if I dropped out?"

"Let's get an apartment," I suddenly blurt out. "Together. We can work minimum wage jobs and work on our stuff on the side. I'll be the next Oscar worthy actor and you'll be the next Katy Perry."

"Are you serious?" She asks curiously.

"I mean why not. It's about time I move out of my dad's anyways. I'm not doing college, if you drop out you won't either and... I don't know we'll be in it together or whatever," I say a bit uncomfortably from the blatant vulnerability.

"I want to say yes but jade this is insane. We barely started seeing each other again last night for pete sake," she points out.

"And? Vega it's always been you and me against the world, sneaking around as friends and then as girlfriends, why does this have to be any different?"

We both look down to see all the new notifications constantly buzzing up onto her pearphone.

"Do you really want to go back there?" I ask. She stays quiet for a while watching more notifications pop up before she finally answers.

"No," she says quietly.

"Then don't," I argue.

"How would we do it?"

"You go to the counselor and talk about dropping and then you can stay here with me until we can find a place to work, once we both have jobs we can live in a shitty gross LA apartment. We work Sundays through Thursdays so we can have Fridays and Saturday's for auditions," I propose.

She sits there in deep thought. All I can do is analyze her anxiously and wait for her response.

"Okay," she finally gives in.

"Yeah?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah," she nods her head. I feel a smile creep up on my face as I see hers mirror mine before our lips meet. "You and me against the world?" She's asks in a whisper against my lips.

"You and me," I affirm.

3 weeks later

Together with her hand on mine we opened the door to the place we'd call home for the time being.

"Get use to it Vega, this shitty apartment is ours now," I look at her stupid cheesy grin as we take our first steps into the gross run down apartment.

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