Jade gets crushed

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Tori's POV
It had been two and a half months since the prome incident and I was STILL thinking about it.

Jade ruined me that day. Even though I didn't let it show she really REALLY hurt me that day. Prom has always been so important to me and then she literally ruined it in every possible way.

I was crushed. I was absolutely crushed. But then...THAT happened. Stuff like this ALWAYS seems to happen with Jade. We'll have our regular moments where nothing is too extremely bad or too extremely good and then we'll start leaning into extremely good territory which is then followed by extremely ganky territory and sometimes vice versa.

She made it so hard to understand. Was she really nice on the inside? Did she do it just to play mind games? Is she only ever nice to me out of pure pity? God it was just SO confusing and I hated being tossed back and forth between both polar extremes but I was also kind of addicted to it and I don't know why.

The prome incident was by far the weirdest. After she had ruined and crushed me so badly she also somehow managed to make it such an amazing night. The fact that she danced in the rain with me and sang to me was so sweet I thought I was in the middle of some dream, I would've pinched myself but Jade shoving me away hard to the ground was good enough to bring me back to both reality and remind me that it WAS real.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Andre started playing an amazing song on his piano.

"Wow what's that song for?!" I ask in awe.

"It's for my songwriting class," he answers. "The thing is, I still don't have any lyrics for it yet and it's due in three days," he sighs. "But, when I do come up with the lyrics I want you to sing it," he tells me.

"I'm so in," I respond.

"Hey tori," I hear lane call out to me as he approaches us, "you know that RnB class you signed up for last semester?"

"Yeah I'm SO psyched for that class," I respond.

"Yeah well calm down cuz you can't take it," he deadpans. "You have to take Tech theater first."

"Wait she has to take the class or just pass the exam?" Andre asks.

"Yeahhhh what if I just pass the exam?" I ask excited.

"The exams in three days," he looks at me like I'm crazy.

"That's all I need! I'll study like nonstop!" I plead.

"Okay," he gives in.

"YAY!" I run over and hug him.


I've been trying so hard to study today but there's SO much material. Luckily I found out that Robbie had the highest score in that class and he agreed to tutor me, but that meant I wouldn't have anytime to sing for Andre so I had to apologize.

Jade's POV
I was on my way to the recording room to help out Andre since Vega was too busy to help him and I was clearly the more superior choice.

After the whole prome incident I've been avoiding Vega more than ever. I was so sickeningly nice to her that day I had to be as distant and ganky as possible so she wouldn't get the wrong idea like we were friends or that I didn't hate her or something.

Speaking of hate, I burst through the door to the recording room yelling "I AM GOING TO KILL HIM!"

"Kill who?" Beck asks me as Andre stands petrified in the corner.


"Okay calm down," Beck tells me.

"IM NOT GONNA CALM DOWN THEY'RE BENT THEY'VE LOST THEIR SCISS," I yell before throwing the scissors at the wall which then satisfyingly stick into the wall. As angry as I was about sinjin if I'm being honest I was just using it as an excuse for stupid Vega ruining my mood.

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