Chapter Seven: She's What... & Please Don't Hurt Her

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A/N: I'm honestly gonna stop with the gifs/visuals, at least for a while. They're taking way too long for me to upload a new chapter. They will be back in a few chapters or so...Anyway enjoy Chapter Seven =)

Stefan Pov

I woke up next to Elena. I still can't get yesterday off my mind. Caroline's pregnant.  With twins, maybe, who happens to be also witches. And they're not Matt's. I figure that since Damon is the only one who knew.  Damon knew. How did he know she's pregnant? And when?

"Good morning." I heard.

I looked down and smiled at Elena.

"Good morning." I gave her a kiss.
"So what's on today's agenda?" She kissed me.

We got into a heated make up. I was feeling it, at the moment. My mind was still on Damon and Caroline.

"Ok what's wrong?" She got off of me.
"I don't know." I said.

She gave me a confused look.

"I think me, you and Bonnie need to talk somewhere private." I told her.
"Why can't we talk here?" She asked.

I didn't want to answer incase Damon and Caroline would hear. I looked around and found a notebook and a pen. I grabbed it and wrote down 'It's about Caroline and... Damon' then I passed it to Elena. Once again, she gave me a confused look.

"I'll explain later, I promise." I assure her.

*An Hour Later*

"Ok I'm here what's up?" Bonnie came in Elena's room and closed the door behind her.

Thank goodness Jenna and Jeremy aren't here. We don't have to speak quietly.

"Stefan, what is this about?" Elena asked. "You said it had to do with Caroline and Damon." She added.
"Caroline and Damon?"  Bonnie asked turning to me.
"Ok, this is hard to believe but... " I started to say.
"Oh my makes sense now." Bonnie gasped.
"You know?" I asked.
"Know what?" Elena asked.
"You remember when Caroline and I screamed falling on the ground after we hugged when I made her the daylight ring?" She asked and I nodded. "I had a vision and I saw...them." She said.
" in more than one?" I asked.
"Three of them." She told me.
"Three?" I asked.

Triplets. They're triplets.

"They must've shock me or something, I felt pain. Really bad pain. Like I was dying." She said.

Do I tell her? How do you tell someone that witches, baby witches are after them, wanting revenge?

"Hold on, Wait, I still don't know what you two are talking about." Elena jumped in.
"Elena, you know when we were at the hospital and the doctor told us that Caroline miscarried?" I asked.
"Yeah." She nodded.
"She didn't."
"Wha-what are you saying Stefan? That Caroline's pregnant?" She asked.

I gave her a look.

"No, no that's not possible. We were there when the doctor told us that she miscarried." She said. "Oh my god Matt. Does he know?" She asked.
"Elena, they're not Matt's babies." I told her.
"What-then whose are they?" She asked.
"They're Damon."  I told her.
"What? That's not possible. He's a vampire. You guys can't procreate." She said.
"I know but listen to me." I told her.

She doesn't believe it and I don't blame her. Neither did I.

"Elena, you remember when I tried to kill Damon and then I almost died?" Bonnie asked.
"And when she screamed in pain and Damon was the one who stopped it?" I asked.
"Oh my god..." She gasped. "Are you they have magic?" She asked.

*Back At The Boarding House*

Bonnie, Elena and I came back to the boarding house and saw Damon sitting on the couch having a drink.

"Tell me it isn't true." Elena asked going on to him.
"What are you talking about?" Damon asked.
"You and Caroline, th-that she's pregnant with your children." Elena replied.
"What's going on?" Caroline came down the stairs.
"Caroline-please tell me it isn't true. You're pregnant with Damon's children?" Elena went over to Caroline.
"Elena..." Caroline started.
"Caroline...why? Out of all people, Damon. Damon's the father? How did this happen? He's a monster Caroline." Elena went off.

Before Caroline could react she screamed in pain.

"Caroline." Damon went over to Caroline.
"What's happening to her?" Elena asked.
"Elena run." Damon told her.
"Wha-" She started before she started choking and gasping for air.

I ran to Elena as she fell to her knees, her hands around her throat as Caroline screams out louder.

"Bonnie, do something." I said.
"I-I can't." She said.

Suddenly Caroline stopped screaming and Elena let her hands fell to the ground, catching her breathe. We look toward Caroline and Damon. Caroline was sitting on the staircase drinking a glass of water as Damon lean and rubbed her belly.

"It's ok babies, we're here. It's ok. Everything's ok." Damon whispered while rubbing Caroline's belly.

I have never seen this side of Damon before, not since before we were turned into vampires. Guess these babies are gonna be a good thing for him.

End of Chapter

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