Chapter Thirteen: Rescuing Caroline

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3rd Person Pov

"I am going to find that bitch and-" Damon started to say when he was interrupted by Stefan.

"Damon calm down. We will find Caroline." Stefan told his brother.

"Don't tell me to calm down Stefan. Caroline and my babies are in danger." Damon scowled at his younger brother.

"Damon we will find them." Elena grabbed his arm to stop him from pacing.

"Bonnie, how's it going?" Ric asked.

"I almost got their location." Bonnie replied.

"Almost is not enough." Damon scowled.

"Damon." Stefan pulled him away from everyone into the library. "I know you want to find them, we all do bu getting upset doesn't help." Stefan told him.

"You're right. I'm going to go around town and look for her." Damon said before he vampspeed away.

Stefan sighed and went back to the others.

"I found them." Bonnie said.


Stefan , Damon and Alaric arrived to the place Bonnie said Caroline is at.

Inside the trailer Caroline was in pain. Hey had vervained her, which made her weak. The babies couldn't do anything to help her either. Since vervain make Caroline weak, it made the babies even more weaker.

"Please stop." Caroline begged.

"I will once you tell me where the moonstone is." Brady, Jules boyfriend, told her.

"I already told you, I don't know where it's at." Caroline replied.

"Well then, I guess it's too bad for you." Brady said before he pulled the trigger.

The wooden bullet coated with vervain hit her skin and she screamed out in pain. Soon both of them heard fighting outside. Brady went to see what the commotion is about leaving Caroline behind in the cage. She couldn't really hear much because she is still very weak from the vervain. Suddenly the trailer door opened and Tyler came in.

"Caroline?" Tyler asked confused why she was here, in a cage.

"Oh my god Tyler please get me out please." Caroline begged.

Tyler thought for a moment. He was still confused why she was in here.

"Please Tyler." Caroline begged.

Tyler decided to help her. He went over and unlock the cage door. Caroline ran out the trailer with Tyler behind her. Suddenly she was pushed up against the trailer by Brady as Tyler stood there.

"Tyler, please help me." Caroline said.

Tyler just stood there frozen. Suddenly Caroline begin to scream and Brady flew away from her as the others passed out. Caroline fell to the ground clenching onto her stomach still screaming.

"Caroline." Damon rushed to her.

"DA-DAMON!" Caroline screamed.

Damon puts his hand on her stomach.

"You're safe now. I'm here. We're together." Damon said.

Caroline screams fade away.

"You." Damon got up as he pointed to Tyler." You are going to tell your wolf friends to leave town or else these babies won't hesitate to kill them." Damon warned him before he vampspeed away with Caroline in his arm.


Caroline hissed as Damon pulled out the wooden bullets out of her skin.

"I almost got all of them out." Damon told her.

Caroline continue to hiss everything Damon pulled out the wooden bullet.

"There you go. They're all out." Damon told her as he flicked the bullet off his hand.

"Thank you Damon." Caroline hugged him.

"Hmm, I was so worried." Damon hugged her protectively.

They pulled away as they heard the doorbell ringed. Caroline went to get the door as Damon followed behind. It was Bonnie and Elena at the door. Caroline opened the door and they all hugged.

"Wha-what are you guys doing here?" Caroline asked as they pulled away.

"Damon called us." Elena replied.

"I figured you deserve a girls' night after what you been through today. So I called Bonnie and Elena." Damon told her.

"You did this?" Caroline asked as Damon nodded. "When did you call them? You were here the whole time after the incident." She told him.

"When I was getting you a cup of water." Damon replied.

"Awe you are so sweet. Thank you." Caroline kissed him.

"Hmm anything for you." Damon said. "Well I'm going to head out and let you girls be." He told them. "Bye Baby X Baby K Baby J and Baby F." Damon bend down to kiss Caroline's stomach. "Bye." He gave Caroline a kiss.

"Bye." Caroline said as Damon head out the door.

Caroline hugged Bonnie and Elena once again before they went into Caroline's room.

End of Chapter

A/N: Wow two chapters one day. The next chapter is gonna be the last chapter of the book. Watch out for the sequel coming soon. 

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