Chapter Fourteen Part One: It's Too Early

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A/N: So I decided to make the final chapter a two part. So here is part one. Enjoy=)

3rd Person Pov

"I can not wait to meet the quad." Bonnie said exictedly. "Oh my god, Caroline, yours and Damon's kids are going to be sooo cute." She exclaimed.

"Okay Bonnie, we all can't wait to meet the Salvatore quadruplet." Elena told her. "Oo are you ever going to tell us what X, K, J and F stands for?" She asked.

"Nope." Caroline shook her head.

"Hey are you talking about the quad?" Stefan asked as he came up to the girls.

"Who wouldn't." Bonnie said as it was obvious.

"Bonnie talking about the quad again?" Ric asked as they came into class.

"They're all everyone ever talk about now." Caroline replied.

"Who wouldn't talk about them." Bonnie said obviously, again. "Can you please give us a hint?" She pleaded.

"No. You're going to find out like everyone else when these babies arrive." Caroline told Bonnie as she went to her desk.

Bonnie and Elena followed behind her with Stefan. Soon the bell ringed.

"Okay everyone clean off your desk. It's test time." Ric said.

Everyone graoned. Throughout the test, Caroline felt pain on her stomach. She didnt think much of it. She just thought the babies are kicking. She went on with the test and tried her best to ignore the pain. Time to time the pain got worse. Again she didn't think anything of it.

"Ahhh." Caroline tried to groan quietly.

"Caroline, are you okay?" She heard Stefan whispered.

"Yeah, the babies are just kicking really hard. I'll be fine though." She whispered back.

Stefan was hesitant before returning back to his test. Caroline tried her best to concentrate but it was just too much pain. As she groaned and grunt she was hit with a vision. She gasped afterward. No this can't be it. Is this it? It's too soon. They're not suppose to be here for another month.

"Ste-stefan I-I-I thi-think they-they're co-com-coming so-soon-sooner th-than ex-expe-expect-ed.." Caroline stuttered through the pain.

Stefan looked up from his test and toward Caoline shocked.

"Now?" He whisper asked.

Caroline nodded intenseling while clutching onto her stomach. Stefan turned to Elena.

"Elena." He whispered.

Elena looked up from her test.

"You and Bonnie help Caroline to the car. She's going into labor." Stefan whispered to her.

"What?Now?" She asked.

Stefan nodded before getting up and walking toward RIc. Elena Elena got up from her seat and quickly walked toward Bonnie.

"Bonnie help me with Caroline." Elena whispered to her.

Bonnie looked up from her test and toward Caroline, who is doing breathing in and out slowly.

"Now?" Bonnie whisper ask excitedly. 

"Now." Caroline grunted through her teeth while still breathing heavily but slowly.

Bonnie jumped up from her seat then went over to help Caroline up.

"Hey Ric. Call Damon. Caroline's going into labor." Stefan whispered to him.

Ric looked at him before looking over to where Bonnie and Elena were helping Caroline. Ric quickly grabbed his phone and called Damon as Stefan helped the girls with Caroline. Damon picked up as they got Caroline got the door.

"Hey buddy, bored sitting through your test?" Damon asked as Ric made his way to the hallway. 

"Damon, get to the hospital right now. Caroline's having the babies." Ric told him. 

"What? Now?" Damon asked.

End of Chapter Fourteen Part one

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