Bakugou (angst)

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Bakugou pov:
As I sat there, curled up in a little ball, the world drifted from me. I couldn't feel the warm tears flooding down my face and I couldn't feel the stinging pain in my arm....or the small river of blood dripping down it. I started to rock backwards and forwards the blood on my arm staining my sheets. I looked down to find myself, trembling hands, slicing another line into my arm. This one cut deep and I collapsed of the bed landing onto the floor, I deserved it though. I just lay there, blood trickling along the floor boards and my tears slowing down. I picked myself up and walked to the bathroom.

'Good bye Kachan' I couldn't get those damn words out of my head. The memory came back, his step instead of jump, his arm reached out for me to save him yet I stood there frozen. The sadness turned to rage and I punched my mirror. The shards of glass went everywhere including my hand. I looked at my surroundings trembling. I could hear the handle of the door. The picking at the lock, I just stared at what was left of the mirror, 'Katsuki!' I could hear from outside yet it was being drowned out. 'Why' I whispered 'WHY!' I shouted and fell to my knees. I began sobbing even more not realizing my quirk activating. I tucked myself into a little ball again trying to find safety. At this point I was just lying there in a pool of my own blood. I looked down at the shattered glass inside my foot and hand. 'Why was I so mean to him...' I trailed of hiding my head in my legs 'he was always so nice....WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!'.

I pushed myself up wobbling from the blood loss and grabbed my ADHD pills. I sat on the toilet and sturdied myself, I opened the lid after a while of struggling. I could still here my name being called from outside the door. I chucked what was left of my pills onto my hand. I stared at them 'well good bye then' and I threw them into my mouth swallowing them dry. I winced as I could feel them traveling through my throat. I stared at the mess I'd made as I waited for myself to die. My stomach got a shot of pain and I held it tight falling to the floor. I hit my head and a sharp noise went through my head. I didn't even realize the thick heavy blood pouring down my head.

The door crashed open but all my senses were gone, not really though. I could feel myself being shaken and pulling into a tight hug. I could hear people speaking but I couldn't make it out. God Katsuki why did you choose such a slow way to die! After a while I heard sirens and my chest was being pushed up and down though it wasn't working. It wasn't the pills that had killed me, I had choked on one. I'm pretty sure they figured that out. My chest was being pushed up and down and suddenly I came out of my body. I was like a- a spirit? I could see myself. A paremedic giving me CPR my heart monitor going blank. I could see my dad comforting my crying mother. My body was so cold and still. I never made it to number 1! Hell I didn't deserve it!!

As I watched a white blanket being pulled above my face I felt a tap on the shoulder. I jumped and turned around. 'D-deku?..' I trailed off, there he was only a halo and angel wings. The feathered wings spreading upwards magestic as hell. His halo floating there, he reached his arm out to me. I gladly took it, I pulled him into a hug gripping tightly. 'I can't let you go again' I whispered into his ear. 'I didn't get to tell you how much I love you...' he held me tight before giggling. I let go confusion etched into my eye brows, 'I love you too....' he trailed of but his smile soon faded. 'But we can never be together'. 'What do you mean?!' I looked at him pain and sadness in both of our eyes. 'Look at you, then look at me' I looked him up and down before a mirror appeared. I turned back around but the hospital was gone. Only a mirror and pitch black.

I walked towards it, falling to my knees. Wings, horns. A tail....'w-what...' I started sobbing again realizing my cuts had gone. My smooth arm left. I felt arms wrap around me from behind 'I'm sorry...' I turned around and hugged him. Squeezing as tight as I could, I can't loose him again. Then he slipped...slipped out of my arms and into the darkness. 'NO!' I tried to reach down but it was to late, he was gone once again. I fell to my knees on the floor, the mirror disappearing and I was left in complete darkness. Then I started falling, falling into darkness and pain and misery.

I sat up in a cold sweat, a hospital bed the covers over me. My mum and dad crying in the corner. They looked at me and my dad went to get a doctor, my mum wrapped me in her arms 'honey I- we thought you were..D-Dead..' she trailed. A bunch of doctors and nurses burst into the room. 'You died and then came back to life, also known as an outer body experience' the doctor informed me. I nodded as I took in this information.

~time skip~

I got home and walked to the bathroom, it hadn't been cleaned up. There was blood everywhere, a broken mirror. A knife and an empty container of pills. My face filled with horror, memories of deku hitting me like a truck. I started hyperventilating and ran to my room, I got under my covers and tucked myself into a little ball. It made me feel safe, like I couldn't hurt myself or others. My throat started itching and my chest hurt, I coughed. I coughed and coughed and coughed really bad. I couldn't breathe properly. When I looked down I realized why....flower petals...

I stared with horror as my mum burst into the room. She looked at me and then to the bloody flower parts. She shut the door behind her and walked slowly to me. I looked at her, pain and sadness filled my eyes and I started sobbing. I calmed myself down 'can I have a minute' I said shakily. She nodded and walked out, I wanted to kill myself but after last time it wouldn't work. I screamed into my pillow, letting all my anger, sadness and pain out. I took my face out of the pillow, my voice gone. I saw deku standing there. 'Stay strong..' and then he disappeared into the sunlight. I stood there frozen with fear and confusion. I nodded even though he wasn't there anymore and got myself together. 'We're doing this for deku..'

Word count: 1202
Sorry it was a long one
If you didn't get it deku killed himself and bakugou blames it on himself
Thanks for reading

Bnha one shots fluff + smut + angstNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ