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liked by codyko, claudiasulewski and othersrosekold: doing what I do best

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liked by codyko, claudiasulewski and others
rosekold: doing what I do best

devonspinnler: looking like a bitch?
↪️rosekold: no fucking yours.
↪️ codyko: BARS
user1: so she's cocky too?
user2: I wish I had her body

5th of January

Listening to her roommates gossip like school girls around the kitchen bench while Rose sits on her bedroom floor getting ready for her showcase tonight, rolling her eyes at a remark on of her roommates says she yells "pigs" to no one in particular. Hearing their snickers she cracks a smile, then the sound of Devons voice call for her to come join them. She walks out of her bedroom to the sight of Cody looking nervous as Devon and Marcus go through his clothes. "Can you not do this in your bedroom?" Rose questions while eyeing the mess their making. "Cody has a date tonight, we need this entire space" remarks Devon. Furrowing her brows Rose questions "A date? Since when and with who. And wearing that shirt? Jesus Cody." Instinctively rolling her eyes ignoring the tiny bit of hurt she felt knowing she was kept out of the loop. "Knowing your history with my girlfriends, I was gonna wait to see if shes worth getting traumatised by you" Cody says softly unbuttoning the shirt Rose just insulted. "I'm not that bad plus every girlfriend I didn't like, you broke up with anyways unrelated to my feelings." Rose bites back knowing she just won that argument.

"Can you just help me pick out a shirt? Marcus and Devon suck at this shit. Hearing the boys snicker Rose debates helping knowing she should be getting ready gives up the fight and walks closer going through the pile of clothes. "Where are you even taking her?" Rose questions raising her brows at the alarming rate of casual tshirts her brother owns. Cody nervously laughing looks at his sister getting ready to break the news "about that I was thinking we could come to your showcase?" Rose scoffing "Do you want to bore her to death? No Cody." "She likes ballet! I want to impress her and knowing you're there she will be. Please Rose." Crossing her arms Rose stares at her brother and lets out a breath in defeat "Do you even have tickets?"

After getting Cody ready Rose did the same, with slightly shaky hands she peers out the curtain eyeing the crowd trying to spot Cody and his date. It's not that she didn't love her friends and family coming to watch her perform it was more herself and ego. When they're in the crowd that voice in her head screams at her to be perfect. To push herself to be better. To impress them and not fail them. She's aware that they wouldn't notice if she messed up but she would. And she'd kill herself over it, repeating the move until she gets it perfect. She craves approval from the people who had already given it to her so now she has to up herself even though she's already the best. She isn't sure how but Rose is still figuring that out. Hearing a stage manger called her cue she takes a deep breath hearing encouraging words from her friends and peers. Hearing the music start she leaps on stage doing what Rose Kolodziejzyk does best, act perfect.

Hearing the crowd roar, signalling the end of her performance she curtsies waiting and masking her exhaustion and pain until the curtain closes, she finally lets herself breathe. Limping off stage she hears the congratulations and excitement coming from her friends but tunes them out. Instead focusing on that voice in her head who is obsessing over the idea that she was horrible. That she had just made a fool out of herself in front of everyone, including her brother. Rose knows she was good but doesn't feel it. Letting the water slide down her throat she prepares herself to meet Cody and his date. Hiding her feelings she spots them walking other, smiles plastered on both of their faces. Part of Rose hums in pleasure at the though that they'd enjoyed it, but it's taken over with that fucking voice in her head. "Rose meet Kelsey, Kelsey meet my sister" The girl who's name she just learnt extends her arm excitedly letting out a string of compliments that Rose had heard since she was 3. She was sick of them. Returning the handshake Rose says a simple "Thank you for coming" and then makes up a excuse to why she has to leave them.

Watching his sister walk away, Cody takes her thank you as a win. He knows that Rose would normally just glare at the girl until she feels awkward. Focusing his attention back on Kelsey still with a half smile on her face hears her say "She scares me" Which makes Cody laugh. "Kels, she said thank you. That's basically I love you in her language."

an: Sorry for the slow pace I just want people to get an idea of who Rose is before I introduce Noel to her life.

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