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Noel wakes up to sunlight pouring in. He looks around the room, eyes landing on Rose's head which is relatively close to his chest. If you gave them another hour chances are they would of woken up cuddling. He sighs in defeat when he checks the time, phone saying its 6:48 am. One thing Rose and Noel have in common is their fucked up sleeping patterns, both not seeing the need to sleep. He realises he should probably go before anyone barges in but contemplates when he remembers that half of the house won't be awake until early afternoon. Growing annoyed with him not being able to go back to sleep he sits up, trying his hardest not to disturb the sleeping girl next to him. Finally leaving her room he spots a few people he knew through Cody, sprawled out on the couch not knowing that when they wake up they'll deeply regret however many drinks they had last night.

Not really knowing what to do he goes out onto their balcony for some fresh air, sitting down on their hammock and appreciates the rising sun. About 20 minutes later he hears someone opening the sliding door, turning his head around to meet Rose wrapped up in a blanket. She already looks like she's been awake for awhile so Noel asks "why are you awake" knowing her reply will be asking him the same thing. "Some asshole tried to be a ninja which horribly failed if you can't tell" he chuckles "it's not even six in the morning and you're already looking to start an argument." She doesn't say anything back and slides in next to him spreading her blanket she was wrapped up in over the two of them. "I didn't even ask-" "shut up" she grumbles back before he could finish. Noel slowly starts to feel sleep starting to crawl back in, probably due to the rocking of the hammock soothing them both to peacefulness. "I'll fall asleep out here if you do" he tells her and doesn't get an answer back so he turns his head in her direction and is met with Rose looking out to it. "Guess it's a deal" he says, finishing the conversation with himself before he hears Rose once again offer nothing but a "shut up."

Devon and Kelsey are the first ones up meeting each other in the kitchen, both desperately needing coffee. They make small talk until Devon walks over to Rose's room knowing she'll want coffee. Knocking a few times he's confused to when she doesn't answer, so being the annoying roommate he is he opens her door eyebrows furrowing as he sees her bed is unmade and signature blanket missing. Walking back out he looks up at Kelsey "you seen Rose?" to which she shakes her head. Looking around the apartment he finally gets the bright idea to check the balcony, only to find Rose and what looks like Noel both on the hammock bodies facing the same way yet their heads facing two different directions. Not really knowing what to do he waves Kelsey over for moral support? Kelsey is the first to speak up, whispering "they look kinda cute." Devon doesn't say anything back still very confused "I thought they didn't like each other" she nods in agreement remembering Cody going on about the two eating lunch that one time. "They seemed like friends last night" she adds, Devon not knowing if he should mention the voice coming from her room that he texted Rose about. Deciding its none of their business Devon gets a separate idea to wake them up not knowing if it's out of pure boredom or nosiness.

Grabbing a pot and a pan not caring if he wakes the others up he once again slides the back door open pushing the two pans together making a horribly loud noise. The first one to wake up is Rose yelling a "what the fuck?" to which he responds with "rise and shine" wicked smile plastering his face. He's asks "what the fuck are you guys doing out here? Since Rose is too incoherent to lie all the way she slips up "we woke up earlier, couldn't sleep so we ended up here." Devon catches it "we woke up?" smirking at her choice of words. "Jesus Devon. I couldn't sleep, Noel couldn't sleep. Saw that each other were awake and came outside. It isn't rocket science." Trying to irritate her further he keeps going "or you two slept together" which earns a chuckle out of a disjointed Noel. "What the fuck Devon" Rose says throwing her arms up in frustration at the thought of it. Finally getting up she looks back at Noel, annoyed she throws the blanket on top of him which makes Devon chuckle. Kelsey speaks up watching the entire scene unfold from the kitchen "I made you guys coffee, it was cold this morning." Which earns a "thanks" out of Rose who was wanting to be mean but her attention already focused on her roommate. By the sound of their argument the two roommates were having woke up Cody's friends, finally collecting their shit and leaving Rose slams her body down to the couch regretting her previous sleeping position. The group being made of the only one's awake join her, flicking through the channels on the tv and making conversation.

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