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30th of January

A few weeks have passed, and Noel is still questioning whether or not he and Rose are cool. They haven't seen each other much lately; with Cody and Noel being too busy filming their podcast and Rose avoiding the house, the number of opportunities to speak have grown thin.She tells herself she doesn't miss him. How can you miss someone you hardly know? Repeating that same question over and over in her head like a mantra until she believes it. He's been doing the same. Marcus's birthday happens to be approaching, so to celebrate, the roommates, along with many friends are going out ,Rose knows that Noel will be there, secretly looking forward to it, just like she was. Rose would be telling herself it's just because he is the only one who seems to hate their group as much as she does.

Her roommates are running around trying to get ready while Rose is adding the final touches. Looking over herself once more in the mirror, for she decided she actually liked what she was seeing. The power of an all black outfit. She sends a photo to her group chat filled with friends from school asking for approval, the recognition she was hoping for was well received. Yelling out to Marcus (her designated camera man and the birthday boy) she asks him to take a few photos while they wait for the other two.

 Yelling out to Marcus (her designated camera man and the birthday boy) she asks him to take a few photos while they wait for the other two

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liked by codyko, stassiebaby and others.
rosekold: Happy birthday Marcus.

codyko: u drinking coke out of a wine glass?
       ↪️ rosekold: No, stole Devon's wine for a photo.

molchanimal: just because I took the photo doesn't mean it can count as a birthday post :(

devonspinnler: you cold hearted bitch give Marcus a birthday post.
↪️ rosekold: You first.

veiw all 1,004

Hearing her brother yell out their Uber is here, they all pile into the car with none other than Rose stuck in the middle.What more could a girl with heavy personal space issues ask for. The bunch of roommates are heading to Marcus' favourite restaurant, him being unaware of the attempted surprise party Rose's brother threw together, along with the help of his girlfriend. She spaces out and finds comfort in the conversation happening in her head, she was now busy arguing with herself strongly considering inviting her friends to these things so she wouldn't have to deal with Cody's friends. She had this battle with herself all the time, telling herself to grow up and just face the music. Everyone and by everyone she means no one assumes it's an age thing, or she just doesn't get along with them since she doesn't drink, or that she didn't go to college so that's why she can't stand them. Rose isn't even ready to admit to herself why she does so she pushes the feelings away one breath at a time. She thinks how she could really go for a cigarette right about hoping to use the nicotine to numb the feeling she's constantly running away from

Arriving at the restaurant she puts on a happy to be here look (which is just a different shade of expressionless for her) and trails behind her brother. As soon as they walk in their hit with an obnoxiously loud "SURPRISE" followed by cheers from everyone. She puts on a smile looking back at Marcus who is over the moon, which widens her smile even more. Everyone splits up to mingle so Rose makes rounds mumbling a few hi's to people she's familiar with even though her mind is only on the one person she's wants to see. Noel.

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