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He follows her in, not caring if the two of them walking together seemed suspicious due to the loop playing like a broken record in his head of their entire conversation that was held outside. Noel's brain is clouded by fog every time he's with Rose. He's yet to decide if that's a good thing or not. They sit down in seats that are next to each other, and he can't help but notice how different she seems right now. Like whatever happened outside just now, didn't happen. Rose thinks it's a gift being able to push emotions down easily and go on with her day yet Noel doesn't so much. Even though he's as guilty as she is of the same crime. He sees her head snap up immediately at the sound of everyone singing, she gets out her phone and records the moment which is obvious to Noel that it's a sign of love she struggles to show. The singing ends as Marcus blows out his candles with a big smile on his face, wanting to see the same on Rose's face he turns his head to see if she's smiling. She is. Maybe not as wide but she looks happy and it's almost enough to make him believe in magic.

Rose has caught his gaze about 3 times now. She brushes it off but something turns in her stomach every time. Her only focus is making sure Marcus is having a good night and hoping that Noel can forget what was said tonight. Rose knows that her plea to him outside probably made her look weak but she can't deny that there's something about his presence that makes her feel safe whether she doesn't wanna admit it or not. Her leg bouncing under the table catches Noel's attention which makes her stop for a moment, before she continues after she looks away from his eyes. He keeps looking at her trying to figure out what she needs, kind of like a crying baby. The only difference is that she's doing it in silence. Deciding to "fuck it" he puts his hand on her knee, making sure its obvious that its nothing sexual but she goes to slap it off but stopping herself knowing this is the only way she wont put a hole in the floor from her heel slamming into it. Everything that Rose and Noel do just looks wrong in a "this is not what it looks like way." As though they can't help it.

Now that the innocent birthday celebrations are done with, everyone starts making their way to a proper bar. Rose was about to protest before Devon stumbled over knowing that she was about to leave, "please come with us, even if it's just for an hour" he practically begs even adding a pout at the end of it. She inhales a breath knowing she doesn't wanna let Marcus down also realizing she doesn't want to put her outfit that she worked hard on to rest, just yet. With Devon celebrating getting Rose out he walks off, which just leaves Rose and Noel in the dining room. She can tell he's waiting for her to say something that confirms him tagging along but she doesn't know how so she just nods her head in the direction of the door. "If we hate it, I'll get us out in 10 minute tops. They'll probably be too wasted anyways. She says speaking up as they finally make it outside. Noel smiles at the fact she used to refer to them as 'we' as if the two were hanging out if they decide to ditch, which he wouldn't mind. She can see her rowdy group of friends ahead thinking how she could catch up but liking the slow pace her and Noel were walking. Rose involuntary shivers, now seriously regretting that fact she didn't bring a coat. While she was busy questioning if she even has a coat she feels the material of what has to be Noel's blazer on her naked shoulders.

He speaks up making a joke "this is the part where you express your worry about me being cold." She smirks at him, adjusting the large blazer resting on her shoulders "that means i'd have to give a shit in the first place." That earns a laugh out of Noel, liking the feeling of warmth she gets every time she makes him laugh. They walk in silence listening to the cars passing and chatter they hear coming from the restaurants they pass, knocking into each other's shoulders every once in a while in a playful manner. Still with the group ahead of them Rose wonders aloud "Where the fuck are they trying to go?" Noel shrugs "I think they're too buzzed to even care." He sees light coming from her phone as her fingers slam against the keyboard most likely questioning her brother on where they plan to go.

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