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AN: Hi everyone, I'm back! I'm super nervous to post this because of the cliffhanger I left you on, I really hope this doesn't crush your expectations. This is my first time writing in a really, really long time so please take it easy on me. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it ❤️

TW: descriptions of a panic attack

It's funny you'd think for Rose that nothing would be sloppy. Ever. This assumption is proving to be not true because by the way her lips are crashing on his, its animinalistic. Noel didn't even have time to react to her, all he could focus on is how good it felt. Like a someone who's been lost in the desert, finally getting water, that's what Rose felt like to him. His hands found their way to her face, attempting to steady himself, he rests them on the side of her face. Her legs instivicly find their way to his torso, making it so they're as close as possible. Without even thinking Noel finds his mouth attacking her neck, she struggles to get out of her words but he deciphers something like "I- swear if you leave m-marks I will" her threat is short lived when Noel cuts her off, "you'll what?" he says cocking his head to get his point across. "Oh fuck you" she says, to be fair what Noel is about to say, she walked into 100%. "I'm trying" he laughs out, voice muffled due to him going to work on her neck.

She pulls away slightly, foreheads touching and attempting to catch her breath she hears Noel quietly whimper at the loss of warmth, "what the fuck did we just do?" he mumbles, one hand still caressing her cheek while the other on her hip. "we fucked shit up" she said matter of factly, subconsciously leaning her head into his hand. Shit. They both think. "Well speaking of fucking" He cheekily says, tone full of teasing and playfulness.

Noel notices her tense and immediately regrets what he just said. "Oh, Fuck- Rose I didn't-" he begins as he gets pushed back by Rose who's jumping off the counter. She doesn't make eye contact and says "It's fine- sorry I didn't- uhm" she stutters, Rose stuttering? Rose doesn't fucking stutter. "Don't apologise god I'm sorry-." Now she can't breathe, she stumbles to the opposite side of the kitchen, hand clutching her chest, "Noel I can't bre- I can't-" she gasps out, her voice coming out louder than she intended. He watches her slide down onto the floor, back facing the counter before he springs into action, "hey, hey Rose look at me" he says equally out of breath due to the shock of the situation. "you can breathe okay it's your mind playing tricks on you, Rose look at me yeah?" The volume of their voices is what alerts Cody.

He leaps up after hearing panicked voices which lets Kelsey know about it too. "Rose?" he calls, his voice laced with panic on his way to the kitchen with Kelsey right behind him. Once he reaches the kitchen he sees Rose on the floor, with Noel crouched right in front of her attempting to calm his best friend's sister down. They're both far too distracted to realize Kelsey and Cody just walked in. The room is filled with nothing but Noel telling Rose to list something she can feel, see and hear in hopes of snapping her back to reality. Cody walks around the counter to sit beside his distressed sister trying to find ways to help Noel calm her down.

Something, if not everything works after a while, her breathing still uneven but she can finally get words out. Rose slowly lets go of the grip she has on Noel's arm as the gravity of the situation sets in. She just had a panic attack in front of the 2 people who are starting to mean the most to her. "Fuck" she mutters to no one in particular and suddenly stands up. She heard her brother "woah rose-" he says trying to steady her "I'm fine" she says which almost causes Noel to laugh. How the fuck was she okay? Cody looks at her softly while his girlfriend is making a quiet ruckus in the background due to getting a glass of water for his sister. "What happened?" Cody asks his sister, "I uh- I don't know" she said, slightly scaring everyone in the room because of how calm and composed she seems. He continues "you just-." Oh no. "I'm aware of what just fucking happened Cody and I'm saying I don't know why. Fuck just give me a second" Rose snaps rather harshly, even Noel and Kelsey felt the sting. "Fuck" she mutters shaking her head as if in disbelief and beelines straight to the small balcony, "Rose" Noel finally calls out on the brink of chasing after her. "I need air" the three hear her say before she slips out the door leaving them all questioning what just happened.

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