Call Me Baby

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I woke up to it still being dark outside. My brain was  foggy and every inch of my body felt like a ton of bricks. Stretching out just made it all ten times worse. What the hell is going on?


This isn't my room...

How did I get here?

What is that smell?

Looking around the room it was dark, the walls had paint chipping off of it, and there was a cold draft coming from the shattered window. Slumped over in a corner was I guess a person. I'm hoping they are just sleeping, however the dark pooling puddle around them could be an indication that they are anything but sleeping. Chills ran down my achy spine while bile rose in my throat. It was as if my body already knew what took place here.

Isn't it beautiful? Steve asked from somewhere deep in my head.

"What? No... Where am I?" my body started shaking. It was so cold in here.

He is a work of art. I would have never found him if it wasn't for you going out with your friend.

Prince Eric?

My eyes shot to the still body in the corner of the room. He seemed like such a nice person, and Ollie really enjoyed his company. I'm sure I had a hundred texts from her about him.

Poor Guy

He was a monster in pretty wrapping... Seethed Steve. My head was starting to pound. The anxiety forming in my chest like a vise. How did this happen?

I did this... Using your body. He cooed proud of himself.

What do you mean use my body?

Well... he liked you more than your friend at the club... So, I used what the good lord blessed you with and seduced him. Your friend is pissed by the way.

Can't breathe. What the fuck did he do? My body is sore. He may have ruined the only friendship I had. How the fuck is he able to control my body?

Let me show you... I could hear his smile as flashes of the night popped in my head like a projector.

I saw myself going to bed until around 3 am then I rolled out bed, got dressed and left. The scene changes again to that of the filthy club. In the corner was Ollie and Prince Eric still eating each other's faces. His thought was gross as well.

Well he made me saunter over to them with my eyes hooded and then his seducing of the prince ensued. Ollie looked hurt and betrayed. My heart squeezed at the sight of her face so crestfallen. How can I make it up to her?

Probably not... He laughed. That made my blood boil.

Shut up you piece of shit.

Watch your language missy! He hissed at me.

The memory kept rolling. We were in a cab; his hands were all over me and his mouth hot against my neck. I want to be sick. The way he just grabbed and grinded himself against me made me feel so violated and gross. No number of scolding showers could fix that!

What's worse is Steve let this man do whatever he wanted to me until he plunged a knife deep into his spine. Kind of how he had allowed him to plunge his filthy microscopic dick into my... Well you know.

Is that a problem?

YES! Steve it is a fucking problem. I have never done any of the things you made me do. So, thank you for that.


Steve went quiet for a while as the rest of the evening played in my mind before me. I feel like crying. How was he able to keep control over me? What was he?

"Call me baby..." I heard myself say and that was it. That was the straw that broke the camels back. I heaved forward spilling the contents of last nights dinner onto the splintered hardwood floor.

We should set some ground rules...

I scoffed at the stupid voice in my head. You should just leave on the thought you rolled in on.

Figure out who I am, and I will disappear.

What do you mean, figure out who you are?

Figure out who I am, and I will stop the killings. I will also leave you alone.

How the hell was I supposed to do that?

Quickly I got up from the bed grabbing the few things that I noticed were mine and then I froze.

This is a crime scene. I spun around looking at everything in the room, analyzing every little detail right down to the blood splatter across my shoes.

My shoes...

I was about to throw up, only I just retched instead. The contents of my stomach lay on the other side of the bed.

Oh shit... Should I clean that up?


(Bestie: Hey... Hope you had fun with Tobias last night... I'd say go fuck yourself. But, looks like he did that for you. Do me a favor. Don't talk to me.)

How do I fix that? Panic squeezed the air out my chest.


I took a deep breath in then worked hard to clear any evidence that I had been there. I had seen enough ID episodes to know how. Or at least I thought I did.

"Help me..." croaked Tobias from the corner. My eyes snapped up to his. My heart started to race as every fiber in my being wanted to just bolt out the door.


He continued to stare at me blankly his chest heaving one last sigh before slumping forward once more. I sobbed. I didn't know him at all. However, I knew enough to know that he didn't deserve what that killer did to him.

After I finished cleaning, I ran as fast I could from that building into the busy streets.

When did it become daylight?

My messy hair and disheveled look had to be a sight to behold, as people stared at me in disgust and wonder. I looked down at the glinting puddle on the ground to see just how awful I looked.

Sure, my hair was messy, but the dirt was caked with blood as well. I looked like I ran from a crime scene or dug myself up from a grave.

"Miss are you okay?" An officer asked me, looking a bit on edge. Why yes, I'm fine other than the crime scene I just left behind. That I had nothing to do with but everything to do with at the same time.

"I'm fine... just a rough night Mr....?" I quirked an eyebrow at him. He smirked at me.

"Officer Rio."

"Ah... No first name. All business I see." What the hell am I doing.

Girl you need to live a little you are so uptight.

Shut it dick weed.

I smiled sweetly at the officer who was now watching me carefully.

A little to carefully.

"well... Nice to meet you. Best be on my way." At that I sprinted off towards my apartment.

Who the fuck made me wear heels?!!

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