Temper of Fire

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"Why does he blame you?"


"Leo... why does he say you do it?"

Keep them from questioning his obedience to his father.


They'll try to wake you soon.

"Can we escape?"

Steve tilted her head to the side. Her eyes searching mine for some type of hidden agenda.

We've tried two times. Each time you get drawn to a man of similar character and then we end up here. In this black abyss, trying to sort out another plan.

"Why can't we just take Theo?"

He is bound to Brindleshiar.

"By his father... that doesn't seem enough to hold someone. Remember all the stories we read?"

Steve shook her head.

No... it is said that those born in the Brindleshiar manor are tethered there by a string with a gemstone the color of the aura that they give off.  You have to sever the gem from the heart of Brindleshiar in order to free Leo.

"We can do that."

Do you know the color of his aura?

I thought about it. When I looked at him he didn't glow, he was just handsome and well... perfect. But I didn't see an aura about him.


You need to figure that out.




We must find Hazel.

"Is that a person or the plant? Or something else?"

You don't remember Hazel?

Judging by Steve's look, Hazel was a person.


She is a ward of Brindleshiar. They keep her locked away. She's the only one who can see their aura's. I've heard that Dr. Aikens is as black as the Onyx stone.

"How do we find her?"

Leave that to me.

All the times before it felt as if I couldn't trust Steve. However, now in this strange place. She is the only one I feel I can trust. Her and Leo that is.

She seemed to want to help me get Leo out of here as well. Maybe it was possible.

"How do I get out of here?"

You just have to wake yourself up.

Well that sounds easy enough. How does one simply wake themselves up?

"Do I pinch myself?"

Steve scoffed at me.

Are you being a smart ass?

"That was a legitimate question."

You see that well over there. Go jump.

"You can't be serious?"

The look on her face said she was very serious. I didn't like the idea. But I was starting to realize I could trust her. So I got up on the random well that appeared out of nowhere. I teetered on the edge for what seemed like hours.


Then as she said, I jumped.


Instantly I jerked up into a sitting position on the dusty mattress in the old hospital looking room with the motion picture of the kids on the wall. Who's faces changed from happy to sad often.

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