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I turned around calmly, trying to control my rapid breathing. How is it this man always seemed to show up when I was trying to get away from a crime scene?

"Hello Detective Stalker..." I grumbled, being sure to display my displeasure at seeing him.

"You're bleeding..."


Shut up, Steve!

"Yea, I fell..."

His eyes drug lazily over my body. Stopping at my knees and then coming back up to pause at my chest.

"How did blood get all over your shirt?"


Shut up, Steve!

I showed him the palms of my hands. They were covered in scrapes and dried blood. Hopefully that would appease his detective brain.

"Ah... Darlin, you are a mess. Let me help you get cleaned up."

He scooped me up off my feet, carrying me down the street.

What the fuck?! What the fuck!?


"Put me down...." I demanded, he smelled of pine and chocolate and as much as he smelled good. This was dangerous.

"Just relax, I'm not going to hurt you."

He carried me in silence, while I took the time to really study his features. He had a sharp jawline, his hair looked like he just stepped off of some Tommy Hilfiger Photoshoot. Then the most stunning green eyes I had ever seen. Why this man showed an interest in me was beyond my comprehension.

Steve was a little too silent for my liking. That seems weird but when he wasn't talking it felt like he was planning something, and if that wasn't good for Detective Hottie here.

"Don't you have someplace to be?"

Watch it.

Watch what?

"Not currently... you are my main concern right now."

A slight blush crept across my face, which I hated. I felt so vulnerable in his arms and somehow... safe? Weird.

Don't get any ideas.


I'll kill his ass.

Someone is in a mood.


He climbed the stairs to a nice apartment building. The lady at the front desk buzzed him in.

"Oh hi, Theo!"

Steve busted out laughing...

Theo Rio! His parents must have really loved him!! Bwahahaha!!!

Oh. My. Gosh.


He eyed me curiously when I said his name.


Then he frowned at his last name. He pressed the elevator button with a scowl on his face. How did I not remember that?

We were trying to get away... like always, because you are a prude.

Shut up, Steve.

I'm just saying...


In the elevator, the confined space was bothering me. I wanted down and I just wanted to run away.

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