Secrets that bind Us

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He was a monster in a pretty wrapper. How his white suit disguised his putrid black soul beneath it. His smile could have lit up the room if it wasn't for that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that told me we might just die here tonight.

However, that wasn't the case. I wouldn't let that happen.

"I believe congratulations are in order." His tone was dangerous, teetering on the brink of insanity. He rolled his neck, bringing it to rest in an awkward angle as he smiled down at me.

"Who are you?" I already knew the answer.

"Leto Hallson, I have come to wed you to Brindleshiar." He gave a megawatt smile that ran chills down my spine.

Leo stood in the doorway, he seemed overly pale.

"Wed me to Brindleshiar?"

"Well, to Leo of course. He is a part of this place and soon so shall you be."

This guy spoke weirdly.

Leo stifled a laugh, getting a dirty look from both Dr. Aiken and Leto. I didn't even seen Dr. Aiken at first. Leto's presence was way bigger.

"We shall start the ceremony tonight. So by Midnight darling you will be family." Leto winked at me.


Leo sighed heavily, retreating back into the hallway. I could hear Dr. Aiken speaking to him while Leto stood staring at the moving portrait behind Steve's head.

"Collector of souls..."

Steve didn't look up from her lap when he spoke. She just sat there like a frozen statue.

"We have a lot in common." He took a step closer to her. Steve looked as if she were holding her breath. Slowly Leto's hand came up to touch her face, only to stop just before he touched her cheek. He dropped it back to his side, turning on one heel then exited the room.


She just sat there with her eyes wide, her breathing rapid. That man was both terrifying and fascinating at the same time.

"We need to leave." Steve's head snapped up, her eyes dead on mine. All the fear had run from her and in its place, courage. 


"We have to find his aura." She sighed heavily.

I knew that already. That was the only thing keeping him stuck here. The only reason I always came back.

"How much time do we have?"

Steve shrugged.

"Not enough to ponder it. Let's go." She jumped off her bed, tiptoeing towards the door. Sneaking a peek down the hall she nodded at me waving to come on.

I scurried off my bed, quietly moving to her.

"Wait..." Steve turned towards me, placing her hands on my cheeks, staring intently into my eyes.

"This will be faster."

As soon as she said that the room began to spin making my stomach turn. I felt like I was going to be sick. Heat spread throughout my body while Steve faded in front of me.


I'm here...

"I didn't—"


My body started to move without me controlling it. Steve had taken over as she had done so many times before. Except for this time she was trying to save our lives, not kill random bad guys.

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