Chapter 1

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Katherine was sitting in her lounge of her small apartment. She swaps through the screen of her phone, as she looked for a job. Katherine had medium height, blonde hair and sharp features. Her mother wanted her to be a model but Katherine wanted to pursue something on her own.

She didn't have any particular aim in life. She thought, if she could get a decent job to fulfill her needs, she wouldn't need to rely on her parents.

'This job seems right!', Katherine thought.

Katherine applied for the job & waited for her call. Few weeks later, Katherine was called for interview. The interview went successful and Katherine was provided the job.

"So, where's the treat?", Edward asked

Edward and Dennis were her best friends who have been studying with her since high school days. While Edward was muscular and bulked, Dennis was thin and slimmer.

"Treat can wait", Katherine said plainly "I've an entire life to give it to you"

"Well, later you'll come up with some other excuse", Dennis pouted, "like going on business trip etc!"

"Wait, wait, wait!", Katherine objected, "Who said about going on any business trip?"

Maria and Julia giggled as Katherine quarrelled with Dennis. "Leave her be", Julia suggested. Julia was a raven haired gothic girl with bell blue eyes, whereas Maria was a blonde and had green emerald eyes.

"Yeah! We believe in Kat", Maria added, "besides, Kat won't be going on any business trip!"

Katherine pouted at her comment, which resulted everyone to laugh. Maria was Edward's and Julia was Dennis's beloved. Maria and Julia became her friends in college when they met in the music society. Katherine became a part of their band after Dennis's constant persistence. With Maria and Julia's band, she also got to know Steven, Rick & Terra.

When the next weekend came, Katherine finally decided to give the treats or her friends wouldn't let her be.

"Cheers!", everyone exclaimed as they all clinged their cups together. 

"I thought you were never gonna give us a treat", Dennis said up his drink.

"Nothing can be done about your thoughts", Katherine replied nonchalantly. 

"We had a firm belief that Kat won't ditch this, right Ed?", Maria said leaning onto her boyfriend's biceps. Edward nodded in agreement and they all began to discuss about their week.

"So Kat, how was your first week at job?", Julia asked


"That is to be expected", Edward added and poured down more alcohol in his and Maria's cups. After chit chatting all night, they finally decided to head home.

Next week came, Katherine rushed to the office. Greeting everyone on her way, she made it to her desk.

"Everyone will submit the report today", the manager announced. 

"Yes sir", everyone said and started doing their work.

When Katherine completed her report she headed to the manager. "Sir, my report", she said handing over the file to her boss. 

"Leave it here, I'll check it in a minute", he replied and sent her away.

Katherine had always been confident in herself, whatever she did always turned out the best. But somehow right now, Katherine felt uncertain.

" Ms. Katherine ", the  manager called.

Katherine stood up from her chair and went to the manager.

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