07 The Dress*

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I don't get fathers new training... in fact I hate it. I now do my paperwork in the morning because at 1:00pm I subject myself to mental anguish that takes me out for the rest of the night.

"How is this helpful?" I think after Saturday night's torture.

"Its been a week and we hold out longer each time." My wolf tries to comfort me.

"We fail every day! How is that good?"

"Father said only Alphas are immune to a command so failure is the only possible outcome. But we get better!"

"Whatever, I don't see it"

I collapse on my bed and pass out. I can't wait for tomorrow.

I get up Sunday morning and go to an early service. I'm excited to get to spend time with Samantha.

Samantha is Beta Carson's mate and the closest thing to a mom I've ever had. My mom passed when I was 6 trying to give birth to my baby brother. In a moment they were both gone leaving my Father and I alone. Thankfully Beta Carson and Samantha were there to support us. They are my family.

I run up to the door as quickly as I can. It's meant to be spring but winter is clinging on for dear life. I burst through the door and shiver. "Man I hate the cold!" "Suck it up its Sam time!" My wolf is excited too.

"Sam I'm here!" I yell making my way through the house.

"Lilly!... Get over here, little one, it's been way too long." She says as she wraps me in a hug. Samantha always smells amazing. Like a flowering meadow in early spring, crisp and beautiful. Mixed with fresh baked brownies and hot cocoa. I missed that smell.

"I'm making brunch come sit in the kitchen." She says steering me through the house.

Samantha's kitchen is huge. I mean like professional kitchen huge. She convinced Beta Carson to combine the original kitchen with a downstairs bedroom making it massive and beautiful. One thing to note if you ever visit them do NOT touch anything in the kitchen. It is Samantha's space and she will bite your hand off... literally!

"So Sam what is the 'appropriate attire' for this thing. Dad said I'm going but refuses to say anything else about it."

"Well....." she says flipping pancakes and checking the sizzling bacon. My mouth begins to water. "I think you'll have to wait and see because today, little one, we are going shopping!"

"Yaaaay!" I say in mock enthusiasm. I hate shopping and she knows it. Sam rolls her eyes and starts making plates.

"Hurry up boys or Lilly will eat it all!" Samantha yells.

I hear pounding feet getting louder and louder as Beta Carson and Dalton race through the house to the kitchen. Dalton slides in first in Socked feet he slips past Sam reaching over her shoulder grabbing a piece of bacon and throwing it into his mouth.

"Thanks Auntie Sam." He mumbles with his mouth full as he hugs her, grabs a plate, and slips onto a stool next to me.

Next comes Beta Carson, still in pajamas, obviously taking advantage of his Sunday off by sleeping in. He steps behind Sam and wraps his arms around her waist.

"Don't I get some bacon too?" he asks with a whine nuzzling into her neck.

"What no good morning kiss?" Sam says holding up a strip of bacon. Carson smiles, gives her a quick kiss and snatches the bacon out of her hand with his teeth. Carson then grabs a plate and leans against the counter by Sam.

If I didn't mention Sam is the most AMAZING cook ever and this morning is no exception. Their is a reason Dalton comes back home on Sundays.

"So..." Sam says taking a bite from her plate and sitting on the stool on the other side of me. "Lilly and I are having a girls day. So, you boys are on your own."

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