18 What Do You Want*

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Alpha Aaron's POV

"Aaron!" Mason's panicked voice comes through the phone.

"What's wrong Mason?" I ask, his tone making me nervous.

"Lilly!" He says.

Panic. That's all I feel. She just left. She can't be far. I drop the phone and take off down the road. I feel my clothes shred as my wolf takes over.

Why did they have to take a car? I can't track her if I can't smell her! As I run down the road Clay mind links me.

"They crashed 5min after leaving us... it was the rogues."

Filthy rogues! They better not have hurt her!

Finally I can smell her! I see the car. It is on it's roof facing the wrong way on the road. The headlights blind me as I approach.

Lilly's POV

As we drive down the road toward out territory I am lost within my own mind. All I can think of is Aaron and what he told me.

Will I remain an Alpha?

I know that thus far no female Alpha has kept that power. I don't know if I am strong enough. What if I fail?

"What's eatin' ya lil Alpha? Missin' yer boy already?" David jokes. If he only knew the doubts that plague me. But Aaron... the thought of him makes me blush earning a laugh from the front seat.

"I'm sure he ain't stayin' away long lil Alphaaaaaaa!" As David's last word came out it turns to a scream. A loud crunch fills the air as our car jerks. With no time to recover another crunch and a bang of a blown tire ring out.


Have you ever driven upside down? People say things happen in slow motion when you crash but they don't. I remember the feeling of weightlessness as my body lifted itself from the seat and the pull of the seatbelt holding me in place. Most of the crash was truly a blur. When I remember it, it is more slow motion but in the moment I couldn't even hear my own screams. I blinked and when I opened my eyes my hands were dangling above me.

A sharp intake of breath sends pain through my body. The pain is quickly forgotten as I look around taking in my surroundings. The front seat is empty. Where is David? And the warrior? Both gone. Glass coats the car like a blanket of snow. Everything shines around me and... wait a minute... I'm upside down!

I hear footsteps near me and stop moving.

"Alphas gonna kill you! He said the girl was to be unharmed!" A man says near the car.

"She's got Alpha blood in 'er she'll be good as new by da time we get her to 'im!" The other man replies.

Alpha? One whiff of these wolves and I know they are rogue so who could they answer to?...questions for a later time I need to get out of here! I claw at the seatbelt forgetting something very important... What comes up must come down.


My body hits the roof and I can feel the glass embed itself into my shoulder. Oww!

"Eager to get going I see miss!"

I look out the window to see a rogue grinning at me hissing out the word "miss" his breath only adds to the malodorous stench that taints him as a rogue. I want to gag as his face is so close to mine. He reaches in to grab me. As I avoid his grasp pitch black fur sweeps across the window. I dive to the front seat grabbing the radio that is directly connected to the pack house.

 Alpha Lillyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें