13 Mates*

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I take off into the woods and father follows close behind.

"Does Alpha Aaron know we're mates? Am I making this up?"

"You're ruining my run... run now worry later... like when were home and back in human form." My wolf likes to run, ALOT.

I try not to think of him... this is hard... I look around at the forest and take it all in.

My father is running beside me now. He is way faster than me but holds back so we stay together. I look up at him and think of something.

"Father... I have a question." I link as we run side by side.

"Go on." He responds.

"Why is your wolf so much bigger than any other wolf?" I ask.

"Eager to get back to your Alpha training hu?" He says bumping me and pulling ahead. I pick up the pace trying to keep up... "I'll give you a hint... the only wolf in North America slightly larger than me would be young Alpha Aaron."

I'm so glad I'm covered in fur because I know in human form I'd be blushing at the sound of his name. I need to get that under control.

"Pack size." I link back. "The bigger the pack the bigger the wolf."

"Precisely." Father affirms.

"So when I become Alpha?" I link

"When I give you the Alpha I will return to my pre Alpha size and your wolf will grow." He answers.

"That means I'll be bigger than you.... soooo does that mean I will get to call you little wolf?."

Father stops in front of me and bats my nose with his paw.

"You'll always be my little wolf." He says and we take off running.

"I'm okay with that." I say and smile.


It takes a few hours to get back home. It is a shorter distance than by car but much more tiring especially trying to keep up with an Alpha.

Samantha and Beta Carson meet us near the pack house with clothes. We shift back and get dressed.

"Alpha, we need to talk." Beta Carson says as soon as we come up to meet them.

"Lilly, take the day off with Sam. You need to rest." Father says.

"I'm fine father!" I respond.

"You just woke up take the day off, this is not a request." He says.

"Come on Lilly let's go talk... I'll make brownies." Sam says

I turn away from my father. "fine!" I say in mock annoyance. "If brownies are involved I concede."

We go back to Sam's house and I flop onto the couch. "Go take a shower while I mix up the brownies" Sam says. I get up and go upstairs to the bathroom.

I see why Sam told me to come up here. My hair is a tangled mess. Makeup stains my face... l look all together ragged. I take a long shower the hot water pelting me feels amazing.

I come down stairs with PJ bottoms and a tank top on stolen from Sam's drawer.

"Much better." She says as I flop back onto the couch.

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