15 Fight Fair*

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That jerk!

I am every bit the Alpha he is and he blows me off like I'm a child!

"Well technically you're not an Alpha yet." My wolf reminds me. I don't care I'm mad at him.

I wait outside fathers office. He won't get away with this. He needs to know that I won't put up with him excluding me. Ahhhhh... why am I so mad?... oh yeah Alpha blow hole.

The door cracks open and his scent overwhelms me. I duck behind Dorothy's desk hiding from him.

Why am I hiding? Confrontation time!

Alpha Aaron comes out of the office. He passes my hiding spot spinning around sniffing the air. I need to get a move on before he finds me hiding.

"You idiot!" I yell charging toward him getting right up in his face.

Alpha Aaron's POV

I could smell her but couldn't see her. That is until she screams at me charging like an angry bull.

"Hu?" I believe is all that came from my mouth.

She is still wearing the male's clothing.

"I have every right to know about MY pack. You misogynistic jerk."

She is flailing about. When she swings her arms at me and I flinch. No one has come at me with this kind of anger since my father. I guess I still have that involuntary response.

She continues to yell at me. None of it registers to me. I am between two thoughts.

I am angry. Beyond angry. She was off with another male and now she is yelling at me? I want to explode but I'm afraid of what I'll do. I don't want to hurt her. I'm not my father.

Then on the other hand her coming at me with such aggression hurts. I feel like a pup waiting for a beating. Her every move makes me flinch. She won't hurt me. I know this. I'm an adult. I can defend myself. NO! I can't if I do I'll hurt her and I can't be like him... I won't!

It's so confusing I don't know what to do. Hands in fists at my sides I stand there silent.

"Answer me!" Her command pulls me out of my thoughts. I look at her just now realizing I was focused on the floor.

"Why?!" She asks.

Lilly's POV

I yell at him with no response. His lack of reaction makes me even more mad. I roar insults at him and... nothing.

Why didn't he want me in the meeting? Why won't he talk to me? Why on earth is he staring at his shoes?!

"Answer me!" I yell. He finally makes eye contact. "Why?!" He opens and closes his mouth with no words coming out.

Just then Carson pulls me away from Alpha Aaron.

"Hey, hey." Carson says "Alpha linked me to come down here but man!" He looks to me. "Your father needs to talk to you."

I look at him angrily.

"We'll be in the rec room when your done." Carson says shooing me away. "Come on Aaron, let's talk."

I turn away from them and storm into my fathers office slamming the door.

"Hello, little wolf!" He says with a smile. I flop into a chair.

"What do you want!" I blurt out seething. Father's look makes me sit up straight. "Sorry Father." I say and his expression softens.

"So your mate?" He says.

 Alpha LillyWhere stories live. Discover now