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"This is your car?" right now we were standing in front of his big black motorcycle.

He just rolled his eyes and handed me a helmet and got on. I put the helmet on. If this guy kills me I'm gonna be pissed.

"Get on" I slowly got on and told him the address. We sped off and my grip on him tightened. Three words, rock hard abs.

We arrived at Reagan's house and I got off the motorcycle. "Thanks for the ride," I said.

He nodded before speeding off. I let myself into Reagan's house and walked into her living room to see her and Abby by the window looking out.

"What are you guys doing," I asked. They both smiled at me.

"Olivia!" Abby ran up to me hugging my legs. I smiled down at her.

"Hey, did you have fun," I asked picking her up and sitting her on the couch next to me.

"Ya we made cookies, I'll go get you one," she said before running off.

"So who was motorcycle guy" Reagan interrogated me. I just rolled my eyes and saw Abby running back in here with a plate of cookies.

"Yummy!" I told her snatching one of the plates. She giggled and ate another one.

We just talked and watched tv until Jacob got here and we went out to the car.

I opened the door and put Abby in the back and then I got in the passenger seat.

"Look, Jacob, I got cookies," Abby said holding up the gigantic bag of cookies. His eyes widened and he looked over at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Don't ask" I muttered.

"Here Abby can I see the cookies, you can have them later but we're gonna eat dinner soon," Jacob asked as she handed him the bag, her face and hands were covered in pink frosting, there was even frosting in her hair.

"Today I saw Olivia get off a huge bike, she was with a boy he was adorable," Abby said smiling and slightly blushing.

I mentally facepalmed, kids suck.

"Abby he's like triple your age," I said laughing. She just had a cheeky grin on her face.

"Wait what, why were you on some guys bike" Jacob questioned while driving off.

"It was a motorcycle, to be specific" I mumbled.

"Olivia" he practically growled, so dramatic.

"He's just a guy I met in detention, he offered to drive me home so I said sure because I didn't want to take the bus" I explained. I don't know why he was being so dramatic.

"Wait you're fifteen, did he even have his license" he questioned turning towards me as we came to a red light.

"I don't know, I think he's 17 but I'm not sure" I never actually figured out much about him.

"That's something you figure out before you get on a bike with a stranger" he glared at me.

"Ok whatever, next time I'll ask his age, satisfied?" I questioned.

"No, you're not allowed to go on his bike again," he said as we pulled up in front of our apartment. We got out of our car and started walking towards our room.

"Last time I checked I don't take orders from you," I said walking ahead of him.

"I'm serious okay," he asked grabbing my shoulder.

"Fine" I rolled my eyes, I really wasn't in the mood for a fight.

"Where's Abby" Jacob questioned. Oh shit.

"I thought you got her" I excused.

"Shit," he said running toward the car. We opened the door to find Abby sitting in her car seat eating the cookies. Covered in icing.

"Thank god" Jacob muttered grabbing her and sitting her on his hip. We all made our way to our house.

Once we got inside I went to the bathroom to have a shower, I let the hot water hit my skin.

I couldn't stop thinking about Aiden, he was cute, or in the words of Abby adorable.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and blow-dried my hair. I grabbed my pyjamas and put them on. I went into the living room to see Jacob and Abby watching tv on the couch.

"What are we doing for dinner," I asked Jacob. He looked over at me and smiled.

"I ordered pizza, it should be here soon, can you answer the door when it gets here, Abby's sleeping on me. There's cash on the counter" he said motioning to the little girl sleeping in his lap, her brown curly hair in her mouth and a big smile plastered on her face.

"Sure" I mumbled and grabbed the cash of the counter. Just then I heard the doorbell ring, right on time.

I opened the door to reveal a tall blonde haired guy probably in his early twenties. He looked me up and down then smirked. Oh god. I handed him the money and he just took it then stood there.

"Can I have my pizza?" I asked bluntly. This guy was a bit slow.

"Can I have your phone number baby?" he asked biting his lip. My eyes widened and just when I was about to go off. The door slammed closed.

I turned around to see Jacob standing there with our pizza glaring at the door.

"What a fucking pervert," he said locking the door.

"I forgot to give him a tip" I exclaimed, I know he didn't deserve it but I believe in tipping.

"Oh he wants a tip alright" Jacob mumbled before walking into the kitchen. I just rolled my eyes before following him.

"Here you go Abby," Jacob said putting a plate out in front of her. She instantly started ripping the cheese off of it and eating it. What an animal.

"This is so yummy!" Abby exclaimed, I just smiled and agreed with the five-year-old.

After we finished eating and Abby got all cleaned up and we got the pepperoni out of her hair, I'm not even sure how that happened.

Jacob took Abby to her room and got her ready for bed. I just sat on the couch contemplating life. My mind kept drifting off to Aiden it was really nice of him to give me a ride. Even though I practically forced him.

I wonder what my life would be like if it was normal if my parents were good parents and took care of me. I've kinda been taking care of myself for a while now.

I have Jacob but he's only four years older than me so I don't want to listen to him and then give him the wrong idea and make him think that he's in charge of me. As if.

It's hard sometimes considering that two teenagers are taking care of a five-year-old but we have been taking care of her since she was born. My parents have always been in and out of my life, my mom would disappear for months at a time. I haven't seen her or my dad since the last time they took off.

"Hey I put Abby to bed, she's asleep now. How are you doing?" Jacob asked sitting on a chair. I just shrugged.

I guess I was okay, I couldn't really complain I had great siblings, a house and a best friend who would take a bullet for me.

"How's money right now," I asked him. I knew money was tight but I wasn't sure how bad it was Jacob didn't like to talk to me about that kind of thing because apparently, I was a child.

"It's fine don't worry about that kinda thing" I knew it wasn't fine but he would never admit that.

"I could get a job" I suggested.

"No you're not getting a job your only fifteen, just be a kid okay," he said.

"Okay" I was gonna try to get a job despite his wishes, we needed the money and lots of kids my age have jobs.

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