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Christmas Eve has finally arrived. I couldn't wait for all of it. The presents, hot chocolate, and the cheesy Christmas movies.

I have decided that this year will be different, it will be just like one of those normal family Christmas's that you would see on tv. My mom and so-called father weren't going to come and ruin this.

We haven't heard from Logan since I found out he's my father. Jacob thinks he's going to hide out until after Christmas and then try again.

Reagan was supposed to be here any minute now, she's coming over to spend Christmas with us. At this point, it was kind of a tradition. Every year since as long as I can remember Reagan has slept over on Christmas Eve.

I was so excited about everything. I was even looking forward to Abby waking us up at like 6 am to open presents.

I heard a knock on the door and jumped off the couch to get it. I opened the door to reveal Reagan.

"Hey. Why was the door locked?" She asked walking in and slipping her shoes off.

"I locked it because of that whole Logan thing" I explained. I have been slightly paranoid about everything after the incident. I was even nervous about being home alone, but here I am. It was either this or run around stores with my siblings.

"Oh, that makes sense. Where's Jacob and Abby?" Reagan asked as we both sat on the couch.

"Jacob went to the store to get stuff for Christmas and he took Abby with him," I told her.

"How are you doing?" Reagan asked me. I could hear the sympathy in her voice and I hated that.

"I'm fine"

"Are you sure? I know the whole finding out Logan is your dad thing has been hard on you" she said.

"I'm fine, really" I reassured her. The truth is, I wasn't sure if I was fine. How could I be? Someone tried to shoot my little sister in the head and I found out my brother is in a gang. How was I supposed to react? "And he's not my dad. He hadn't earned that title."

"If you say so"

"I do say so," I told her.

"Anyways, are you done all your Christmas shopping?" Reagan asked. I'm glad she changed the subject because I really wasn't in the mood to talk about all that Logan shit.

"Ya, I got everything a couple of days ago. Did you?" I asked turning my attention back toward Reagan and away from my thoughts.


"How long are you staying here?" I asked.

"I'm not sure yet. My parents aren't coming home for Christmas this year so it doesn't really matter." She told me.

"Oh I'm sorry," I said giving her a sympathetic look.

"It's fine. I don't really care" I know that was a lie. She obviously cared but Reagan would never admit that.

"Okay. Wanna go bake cookies? We can make them before Abby gets back and surprise her?" I asked.


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