586 21 11


I was having the best sleep of my life when I felt someone shaking me, very aggressively may I add.

"Livy wake up," someone said. I felt someone climb on to my bed and start shaking me even more.

"Wakey wakey" I identified the person as Abby.

"Go away, it's Sunday" I mumbled.

"No I made breakfast," Abby said. I felt a sharp sting come across my face. I instantly jumped up in response. Abby just slapped me. She can hit hard for a five-year-old.

"What the fuck!" I yelled. Abby just giggled and ran off. That was her go-to, she would do something wrong and then go hide behind Jacob so I couldn't get to her. Then Jacob would tell me to grow up. The audacity of some people.

I put on my slippers and walked in to the kitchen. Abby and Jacob, we're already at the table eating.

"Hey liv come get some food," Jacob said smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a plate of waffles. I sat down at the table slamming my plate against the table, I wanted everyone to know I was in a crappy mood.

"So how did you guys sleep?" Jacob tried to make a conversation. When no one responded he looked at me waiting for an answer.

"Oh just fantastic," I said sarcastically.

"Why are you in a crappy mood?" Jacob asked me.

"Well someone woke me up by slapping me in the face," I said glaring at Abby. I wasn't gonna be a snitch, but my face still hurt.

Jacob pointed at Abby, silently asking if I was talking about her. I nodded in response. Who else would I have been talking about?

"Why? Just why?" Jacob asked the little girl. He looked like he was trying his best not to laugh, Jacob was still new to this whole being responsible thing.

"She wouldn't wake up" Abby simply stated. I rolled my eyes taking another bite of my waffles.

"So you hit her?" Jacob asked wide-eyed. Abby nodded.

"You can't hit someone okay? I'm serious don't do it again" Jacob said, you could clearly tell he was trying extremely hard to sound serious. She slowly nodded.

"If I hit her you would not be this chill," I said rolling my eyes. "I should get to hit her to even out the playing field, fairs fair, right?" I said.

Abby's eyes widened and she let out a little scream of terror. Overdramatic much.

"You're not hitting her," Jacob told me.  Did they seriously think I was going to hit a five-year-old? No matter how much Abby pisses me off I would never lay a finger on her. When you grow up the way I did, the relationship you have with your siblings isn't the same as normal siblings. We fight a lot but, we would never hurt each other, well minus Abby she clearly has no issue hitting me.

"Relax. I was kidding" I muttered.

"You're not funny," Abby told me. Jacob nodded in agreement.

"For your information I'm hilarious" I informed them. "Now on a more important note I'm going out today so I can't watch Abby".

"Okay. Where are you going?" Jacob asked.

"I'm going to Reagan's," I said eating my waffles. Today Reagan and I were going to figure out a plan to find out what Jacob is hiding.


"You need to follow him, so you can figure out exactly what he's hiding," Reagan told me. Right now we were sitting in her bedroom trying to figure out a plan to find out what Jacobs hiding.

"I know I know" I rushed out. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to know what Jacob was hiding, I mean no matter what it was he was still my big brother. I didn't want to see him differently, I think deep down I was scared of what I might find out. What if he was a serial killer?

"Next time he goes out, follow him, but don't let him know you're there. You have to be dead silent and don't get caught or he will know that you know somethings up" Reagan said.

"What about Abby? I can't just leave her there alone" I said.

"You will only be gone for an hour tops, she will be fine. Besides, she'll be asleep" Reagan reassured me.

Reagan didn't understand responsibility, she grew up as an only child so she never had to babysit or worry about her siblings when they were being stupid. "She's five I can't leave her home alone," I say.

"Okay fine. I can sleepover one night and I'll watch her well you go follow your bro" Reagan said.

"First of all never say bro again, and what if he doesn't go out the night you sleepover?" I stress.

"We just have to hope he does," she says.

"Great plan," I say sarcastically.

"Well, at least I'm trying" she rolled her eyes.

"So tonight?" Reagan asked me. I slowly nodded my head.



Right now it was 11:30 pm and Reagan and I were sitting in my bedroom, silently waiting for Jacob to leave so I could follow him but he didn't leave yet.

"What if he doesn't leave? What if this whole plan was for nothing" I was panicking.

"Calm down he will leave soon" Reagan tried to calm me down but it wasn't working. I was rethinking this entire plan.

Finally at 2 am I heard the front door close. I quickly jumped up and ran after Jacob. I made sure to stay far away from him so he didn't see me.

Jacob got in the front seat of his car, I quickly and quietly got in the trunk. The radio was on so he didn't hear me, or I think he didn't at least.

I couldn't tell where we were going, but I have been in this trunk for at least 20 minutes and I was starting to get uncomfortable.

Finally, the car came to a stop and I heard Jacob get out. I slowly opened the trunk and climbed out. Were outside of a huge warehouse.

Jacob started walking towards it and I was right on his tail. Jacob had his hand on the keypad when my cell phone went off.


A/N: what do you guys think of this chapter?? Sorry, the storyline is kind of slow but things are slowly starting to unravel.

Who's your favourite character?? Anything you would like to see more off or anyone?

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