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I was just staring at the safe. I wonder what's in there? Or more importantly what was the password? I tried all different combinations of numbers but nothing was working.

I started looking around the room again. Maybe there was something I missed. I couldn't find anything suspicious, but I knew Jacob was hiding something. I mean why else would he have a locked safe hidden behind a picture frame with god knows what In it.

"Olivia?" I jumped In a surprise and bumped into something or someone. I was face to face with Jacob.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. I just stood there, what do I say? Oh yeah, I came into your room because I don't trust you and think your hiding something.

"Oh I just wanted to borrow a sweatshirt" That wasn't a complete lie and besides I usually come in here to steal his sweatshirts anyways. What's the point of a brother if you can't wear his sweatshirts?

"Okay, well it's late you should go to bed," he said walking into his room.

I noticed something red on his shirt. It looked kind of like, blood? Where the hell did he go?

"What's on your shirt? Are you hurt?" I asked, I walked over to him and lifted up the side of his shirt wear the red stain was, but there was nothing there. He quickly pulled down his shirt and took a step back.

"I'm fine, it's nothing" he tried to reassure me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now go to bed you have school tomorrow" he pointed towards my room. I rolled my eyes and walked into my room.

I got into my bed and slowly went to sleep.


Right now I was thinking of a plan to get out of school. I was going to stay home today and tell Aiden to come over so he can help me figure out what's going on with Jacob.

I made my way into the kitchen, Jacob was throwing a bunch of random food into a little princess lunch box, which I assumed was Abby's.

I went over and grabbed a glass of orange juice. I slowly made my way to the table - I was trying to look as sick as possible so I made sure to fake cough every few minutes.

"I'm not feeling so well," I told Jacob clutching my stomach. I could've just skipped school but I figured that this would be a better way of not getting my ass grounded. Especially because lately Jacob has this crazy idea that he's in charge of me.

"What's wrong?" Jacob asked curiously.

"Oh um, my head and stomach hurt. I think I'm just gonna stay home" I think that sounded convincing.

"Ok, I'll call the school," Jacob told me. "Abby lets go"

Abby walked out of our bedroom wearing a princess dress.

"What are you wearing? You can't wear your Halloween costume to school" Jacob said to Abby. She just looked at him sadly and confused.

"Why not. I'm a princess" I laughed at that it's Jacob's fault for telling her that every day, he boosted the kid's self-esteem a bit too much.

BROKEN (book #1) Where stories live. Discover now