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I froze, I just stood there staring at the gun. Why the hell did my brother have a gun? I physically couldn't move, I didn't know what to do.

"Oh my god," Reagan said.

I slowly reached my hand into the safe and grabbed the gun, examining it in my hands. I was holding a fucking gun.

"Don't touch it! Now it has your fingerprints on it!!" Reagan exclaimed.

"Fuck" I quickly dropped the gun on the ground. Reagan grabbed a shirt out of Jacob's closet and wrapped the shirt around her hand grabbing the gun. She picked it up and started examining it.

"Don't point it at me! It could be loaded!" I shouted pushing the gun down.

"Okay, we should put it back and leave the room. What if Jacob comes home and finds us. We don't know what's going on, he could kill us to make sure we don't tell anyone what we know" she told me.

"Reagan he's still my brother, he would never hurt me" would he? "Besides we don't know anything" I spoke.

Reagan put the gun back into the safe and closed it. I grabbed the picture frame and put it back on the wall. We went back to my room.

"Okay, what should we do?" I asked her. After we entered my room I closed the door and locked it.

"I'm not sure just be careful. I have to go but we will figure out more next time"

Now I was left alone with my thoughts. What was Jacob hiding? Or was I just overthinking this, lots of people have guns right?

I needed to get my mind off of all this, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the laptop. I looked up jobs available near me, I still needed a job.

There were a lot of jobs available at fast food places and shopping centres. I think if I worked at a mall, I would probably buy everything.

"You're not getting a job" I jumped at the sound of Jacob's voice, I didn't hear him come in.

"Oh my god you scared the crap out of me, I didn't know you were back" I had to act as normal as possible "And I'll get a job if I wanna get a job"

Jacob rolled his eyes and walked over to the cupboards. "Hot chocolate?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"Why do you want a job so much? You never worried about all that stuff before. What changed all of a sudden?" He asked. Jacob passed me a cup of hot chocolate and took a seat across from me.

"I want to help out, I'm fifteen and lots of people my age have jobs. I know money's tight since mom and dad left and I just wanna help" I told him.

"You don't have to worry about that I'm taking care of it and even when mom and dad we're around they didn't help pay the bills"

"Oh, I didn't know that" I mumbled.

"I know and I don't expect you to know that because your just a kid," he told me. I'm not just a kid for his information, I'm way more mature than most people my age.

"Why did they leave?" I know it was a risky question but it never made sense to me. They were always crappy parents but one day they just straight up left. I'm not complaining I'm glad they left but it just didn't add up.

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