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The bus finally came to a stop in front of an abandon apartment building, it looked really sketchy around here. I hesitantly got off the bus and made my way toward the building. I had to walk for roughly 10 minutes before I got to it because there wasn't a bus stop in front of it.

I slowly walked in. This could be the place I die and I'm okay with that, as long as Abby gets out alive then I'll be satisfied. There was no one in the apartment, it was dusty and smelled musty.

I expected it to be filled with people or like an actual apartment building, but it wasn't. It was covered in filth from
The roof to the floor and empty. I walked threw the hall looking for Abby. I figured if I was quiet enough I could take him by surprise.

"Olivia. I'm glad you made it" I turned around to come face to face with Logan.

"Wheres Abby?" I asked frantically taking a step back.

"She's safe.... for now" he smiled. "And she will stay that way as long as you do what I say."

"Fine. But I'm not doing anything until I know Abby is safe"

"Ok, if you must" he sighed stepping forward and pulling out his phone to show me a video of Abby. She was sitting in the corner of a dark room crying. Cuts and bruises covered her petite body.

"What the fuck did you do to her!" I snapped. "You said you wouldn't hurt her!"

"Don't be dramatic now Olivia. I said I wouldn't kill her, A simple beating couldn't me avoided"

"Are you fucking serious? She's five years old. She a child and you hurt her" I snapped walking toward him. All my anger was coming out at once and I couldn't control it. As soon as I was a foot away from him I punched him in the face as hard as I could. He shoved me back and kicked me in the rib cage.

I pushed threw the pain. I had to do this, if not for me then for Abby. I threw my self forward with all the strength I had, my heart set on hurting him. The next thing I knew my foot was connecting with his groin. He fell to the ground with a grunt. When he was down I made a run for it looking in each and every room for Abby. She wasn't anywhere, I looked to my right to find an elevator.

Maybe she was on the second floor. I got in the elevator pressing floor two. I hadn't even come up with a game plan yet, so I had no idea what I was doing. All I know is that I need to get to Abby before Logan does. After what felt like forever the elevator door finally opened revealing Logan. Fuck.

"You really thought you could beat me Olivia?" He laughed bitterly stepping towards me, I stumbled back. "You will never beat me and now because of that stunt you pulled your precious baby sister dies"

"No!" I yelled, about to hit him again but he caught my hand mid air. "Let go of me!!"

"Relax" he snapped, pulling my hands together and tying them. I tried to get away but his grip was to tight.

"Get the fuck away from me!" He simply ignored me pulling me in to a room and tying me to a chair. Then he left.

"Livy?" I looked up to see Abby sitting in the corner tied to a chair. The sight of her like that broke my heart.

"Abby. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Ya" she sniffled. "I'm scared"

"I know. But it's okay, I'll get us out of here" I reassured her, I had to be strong right now.

Seconds later Logan walked back in to the room, the object in his hand caught my eye. It was a gun.

"Hello my daughters" he said walking toward Abby.

"Don't fucking touch her!" I snapped, the venom clear in my voice. Abby's cry's became louder as Logan put his hand to her cheek. "Get away from her Logan. I swear to god! I'll kill you, I'll fucking kill you!"

All my screams, cries and threats did nothing. He walked away from Abby and came toward me. Stroking my hair.

"You look just like your mother Olivia"

"Fuck you" I spat.

"So much hostility. Well guess it's time to say goodbye to your sister" he said with a dark laugh.

"Please don't hurt her. I'll do anything, kill me instead" i begged as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"You had your chance Olivia. But you ruined that" he started walking toward Abby again his gun pointed directly at her. I screamed and cried but that did nothing.

"Step the fuck away from my sister!!" I looked up to see Jacob and a bunch of guys from the gang in the door way.

"Jacob, nice to see you again" Logan said turning away from Abby and toward Jacob.

"I can't say the same" Jacob spat. Suddenly Logan's gun was pointed in my direction. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening.

"Olivia" Aiden said drawing my attention toward my boyfriend who was stood in the middle of the room.

"Aiden" I smiled.

"This your boyfriend" Logan asked with a smirk.

"Don't fucking touch him!" I snapped. Aiden gave me a smile trying to reassure me, but that didn't work. Everyone I cared about was in one room with a psychopath with a gun. Jacob can't shoot Logan because then Logan shoots me.

"So this is the boyfriend" Logan smiled scanning Aiden. Aiden didn't look scared, he kept a straight face and nodded.

"Don't hurt him, don't hurt any of them. You want me so you can kill me" I said meekly.

"Olivia shut the fuck up" Jacob snapped glaring at me.

"Olivia. I'm going to let you pick who you want to die, okay?" Logan smiled. This was so fucked up. "Abby, your precious little sister. Jacob, protective big brother. Reagan, wild best friend, or Aiden, the boyfriend"

"I'm not doing that"

"Do it or I pick"

"No. Stop it" I snapped.

"Okay you've made your decision" Logan said and then I heard a gun shot. 

A/N: who do you think was shot? We're getting to the last couple of chapters in this book. Book #2 will be a lot better then this one... I hope so at least 😅

Anyways you know what to do 🙃❤️

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