Chp. 27

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Amaya's POV

"So you're stalking me now?"

"No, just making sure that your safe."

"Oscar, you followed me all the way here."

"Yeah but this is also the place we always used to come to. So, you could be following me."

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around. He looked too happy, too smug for my liking.

"'Kay well I'm here. Bye."

I climbed the rocky ground higher and higher away from him.

"What are you doing here anyway?" He calls out.

"Getting away from all humanity. Need to clear my head."

Finally reaching the clearing that leads to the edge of the ocean. Kids were spread out all over the place but I kept walking up higher and higher until no one was around.

"How did you even figure out it was me?"

"Dude you drive the worst car to try and blend in with everyone else's crappy car."

Oscar stood above me unsure of what to do.

"Do you wanna sit?"


"Afraid of heights."

"Afraid of the unknown."

I laughed at him. Pulled out the weed and grinder and started to go to town.

"You remember how to roll?"

"I used to roll cigarettes and joints. That's not a hard job."

"You rolled as a job?" I nodded.

Part-time when I wasn't DJing at the club I was a roller for VIP sections. That paid the bills so I couldn't complain. Definitely helping me right now.

"What else did you do?" I cocked my head at him. I know he wants answers about Cuchillos but so do I.

"I went to school, DJed, waitressed and sewed."

"All at once?" He jokes.

I was done and I lifted the joint for him to inspect.

"Not bad, not bad at all. You know I'm gonna have to blacklist Abuelita for awhile because of this, right?"

"Oh please. That woman is a saint. She'll bat one crazy viejita eyelash at you and you'll be down at Geny's giving her another baggie."

Oscar laughed and then smiled. He looked nice when he smiled.

"True. That woman had done a lot."

"Damn straight." I took back the joint and lit it.

Taking a drag, Oscar looked over at me shaking his head. "Aren't you afraid of smoking weed?" I shook my head.

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