Chp. 39

480 26 4

Amaya's POV

December had come quick enough for me. My best friend of my entire life was fighting with me.  Oscar hadn't spoken to me in weeks now.

After I finally let out my biggest secret, my biggest defeat, he stormed out of his house leaving me there with the high school students.

Out of fear I didn't take the job with Chamber and I eventually quit my job DJing. Teaching became my whole being after that night.

Thanksgiving was awful. 

The whole month of November couldn't get any better. My mom invited Santos to our dinner. Thankfully Oscar had not allowed them to come. She was pissed but was too occupied by cooking to really give a shit. 

After that day I took a few weeks to talk to my students about college. They needed to think about something other than Lil Ricky or Cuchillos for a while. College would clearly distract them long enough.

Jasmine took my advice about applying to the Police Academy.

Jamal took my advice and threw it out the window. I told him he'd be a good candidate for the FBI Academy. He laughed and then realized I was being serious which led to him running away from me all of November.

In an effort to avoid Santos I didn't make any recommendations for Cesar or Monse but from what Ruby said they both decided on schools a while ago. 

Ruby wanted to go to Business school away from California but not too far so he was looking at Arizona and Nevada.

I personally wrote each of them a reference so they could go far away from here.


I went to the doctors after my week at home. My gallbladder was definitely going to be removed. The concussion I had, had would go away in the month that I avoided everyone. 


It was nice to hang out with my sisters instead of dealing with all my bullshit. 

Katia and Lilia had me make silk flower bouquets for their quince. Sara had me watching every season of Game of Thrones with her. Mom didn't care about anything she did. 

Sara was probably the best one out of all of us sisters in her eyes.


Mom and I went shopping in our free time to catch up. 

We found all the decorations and flowers, EVERYTHING we could need for the twins birthday. I liked that we found them both matching White Gold Hoops to match mine. Big ass one's for Katia and a moderate sized one for Lilia.

The twins had changed their minds on their court throwing my mom off the wagon. 

They had messed up their dance rehearsals so much that the instructor fired us. Great for me because it meant I'd get more free time. Bad for my mother because now she was double timing rehearsals.

 The twins had me designing their invitations after making me create about 20000 silk roses and they hated everything I designed. Finally I said fuck it and printed out the ones I liked. It was the same information just on a different design than they imagined. I didn't care as long as they had the damn party.

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