Chp. 45

846 26 4

4 years into the future....

"You can't expect me to be rushing around getting ready!"

"Well get off your ass and help me with your sister's dress"

"I got it just go sit down."

"No come help my fat ass up."

"Baby you should be resting."

"No. Right now I should be shoving Sara into her prom dress. Help me up Oscar." He comes over and yanks me up.

"Coming Mami!" I waddle my way down the hall and into Sara's room.

"AJ grab this part and this part and pull them together while I zip the damn dress."

I did as I was told and guess I clenched too hard.

"My water broke."

"Oh my God! AJ, are you okay?"

"What?" Mami asks still trying to zip the dress.

"My water broke."

"Oscar! AJ's water broke!" Sara yelled.

My shorts were as wet as if I had peed my pants twice.

"I thought you were just having Braxton Hicks contractions!"

"Guess they weren't."

"Jesus Christ, Mariposa you're giving me a headache."

"Yeah well you got me pregnant. Twice now. So shut up and drive me to the hospital."

"Mija, I'll go with you."

"Mami get Sara dressed and get her to prom. I'll wait."

My grandmothers were running around grabbing things to help get Sara there faster so they could meet us there.

"Shit. Gabriel. What are we gonna do about him?"

"Mami take Gabs with you!"


Gabriel ran over to me and gave me a big kiss and then his daddy a kiss.

Oscar got me into the car and pain start kicking in.

"I'll call the doctor."

"No you need to drive. I'll call the doctor."

"Did you ever think we'd be here?"

"No. But I'm happy it happened."

"Are you afraid?"

"No. Are you?"

"No, I have you."

Right after we had left Freeridge, Oscar and Cesar did too.

They went and saw all the monuments, sites and car shows before driving to Florida to surprise me.

Grandmama had taken me to Temple (first time ever) and when we got home there was a new Chevy truck in the yard.

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