Chp. 29

567 24 1

Amaya's POV

I set out to make these Death Brownies. Flour, sugar, eggs...everything except chocolate.

"Errr we have a problem. There's no chocolate."

Oscar made himself comfortable on the counter by now.

"Okay wanna go to the store?"

"Nothing is gonna be open around here." It was already pushing 11 pm. Closet thing to still be open was a gas station.

"Let me call someone." He says walking away from the kitchen.

I measured out the flour and sugar, put the eggs back in the fridge. When I was done with that Oscar was standing there.

"Sad Eyes has your car and will be picking us up in 10."

"Great I'm gonna go put on different clothes." 

I ran upstairs into my room where Lilia was rifling through my closet.

"Can I help you?"

"Which outfit says 'kiss me' or even 'do you like me'?"

She held up a red Salsa style dress and then my favorite leopard skirt with a black shirt.

"Skirt. Also if you stain my clothes I'll cut you. Got it?" She nodded and rushed out of my room into the bathroom.

I grabbed a pair of sweats, a new shirt and a light jacket. Oscar was right the mosquitoes were out tonight. No need to get bitten.

I crept to make sure that Sara and my mom were asleep, they were. Then I checked on Katia who was playing on her phone in her pitch black room.

Lilia was still hogging the bathroom and I was escaping the house with my ex-boyfriend? Friend? I don't know what to call him. Ah! I was escaping with Oscar!

Sad Eyes pulled into the driveway with my baby just I hit the bottom step.

"Ready?" Oscar asked.

"Feels like were sneaking out!" I cheered.

"You didn't get out much in Washington, did you?"

"Nope had one friend and she moved away after college. Now she lives in Thousand Oaks."

"You had one friend? You?" I nodded.

Sad Eyes didn't move from the front seat making me get in the back.

"Sup homie? Sup AJ?"

"Making brownies." I respond.

"She's making brownies." Oscar joked.

"Alright where we going?"

I looked at Oscar who gave Sad Eyes the address and they exchanged a look.

The company that wants to gouge me from my current job sent me a link. I asked Sad Eyes to give me my headphones. 

It was a video of them playing the beat I just sent my current boss. Except someone was singing to the beat of it. I couldn't see the face of the woman but the voice sounded so familiar. The words went along so well with the beat.

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