11: Archangel👼🏽

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"Dear diary,
I fall in love too easily.
Last night when I watched him talk, I suddenly wanted to breathe the same air as he.
To see the world from his own eyes.
It's so weird. And it's so scary.
It scares me because I'm supposed to have learned my lesson by now."

- Asa's diary.


Haliya was the self acclaimed queen bee of the school and I watched her with bitter envy two seats in front of mine while our Biology teacher droned on and on about ecosystems and ecological niches.

Biology was the last class of the day and I never slept in it, even after pulling an all-nighter, because Biology was actually interesting to me.

However, I couldn't concentrate today, because once in a while, Haliya's high pitched giggle would invade my subconscious and I'll find myself glaring at her again.

Someone slid a piece of paper before me and I opened it.

It read Focus, idiot! In pretty cursive handwriting.

I didn't have to think twice to know who had written it.

I had only two friends in the entire school and Jemi was the only one that shared biology class with me.

I scribbled on a more scathing reply and sent it back to him when Mr Dogo turned to write something on the board.

You cool? He scribbled back.

Yea. Peachy.

You look like you're about to stab Haliya with a pencil. Fr.

No, I don't.

When I sent him the note back, he chuckled quietly and looked back at me with laughing golden eyes.

Jemi was hands down, the most beautiful guy I'd ever seen. He was beautiful the way an archangel is beautiful. Timeless. Perfect. Strong. He had skin the colour of gold dust and his eyes were orbs of caramel sugar, softening the sharp, angular features of his beautiful face. He could honestly pass for Angel Michael's little brother or something.

You've been staring at him since class started. Admit it! He wrote back.

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒆 | 1Where stories live. Discover now