30: Ballistic💣

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mєdíα: 'ѕmα' вч nαѕtч c ft rσwlєnє


"Fall in love with someone

Who adores your thorns as much as your petals."


"Way to go ballistic on me, Asa. What the hell was that for?"

I was losing my shit, trying to understand why she had gone batshit cray on me, back inside.

The cold harmattan wind blew against my skin but the blistering cold was nothing compared to the blazing inferno, feeding off my anger and frustration inside me. I was pacing all over the place, shaking with anger and incredulity at everything that just happened.

There she was, sitting in the car with the doors open, out I'm the cold dark night, and she wouldn't even talk to me.

After she had managed to get her breathing under control, she wouldn't even look at me.

My heart panged bitterly within me, crumbling to dust and liquefying anytime I remembered the look in her eyes, those big, beautiful, expressive coffee black eyes, freezing over with blame and accusation. Her voice, the sound of it, rather than the words itself, had torn through my chest, ripping out my heart and squeezing all the blood from it.

You fucked her.

What the hell? Did she think I'd cheat on her?

Just the thought of her expecting me to break her heart depressed me to the point that I didn't know how to begin clawing out of the hole her words, her eyes, her actions, had dug out for me.

Did she expect me to cheat on her? To break her heart? Didn't she know how much I loved her? How much I felt about her. Hurting her would be like hurting myself... And I wasn't masochistic, so I would never hurt myself. At least, not willingly.

I looked at her again and seeing her hunch her shoulders, lips turning puce from the cold, rubbing her face, her eyes, sniffling a little, something about seeing her so sad and shaken like that, well, it made me forget my own anger, my own feelings and concentrate solely on her. Wanting to take away her pain and see her smile again.

"For goodness sake, Asa," I pleaded, feeling my voice quake with emotion and desperation. "Talk to me. Please."

She wouldn't talk to me. Wouldn't even look at me.

I knew it was taking all her physical and emotional energy to not look at me, to push me away anytime I tried to pull her close. I knew the pull I had over her, the magnetic force between us. Working against that magnetic force was like working against the earth's gravitational force. It wasn't possible unless you bulked up on enough fuel and amped up strength.

And she had strength. Loads of it. She was the strongest thing I knew and she has been so strong for so long, for once, I wanted her to not be strong anymore. To give in to defeat instead of defying it all the time. To fall and to rise again.

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒆 | 1Where stories live. Discover now