1.Tangled threads

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Important Note: The edited, longer and more slightly different and better version of this story is available on Amazon. For the one who is interested 'link is on my bio'.

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He looked at his wrist watch for umpteenth time whilst driving on almost vacant road.

The sun was almost beyond the horizon, its ramnant scattered orange hue was kissing goodbye to his left cheek.

His thick brows were knitted and lips pursed in a thin line.

His handsome face was on constant scowl.

He seemed to be in some serious discussion inside his head.

"I'm sorry saab." A meek feminine voice coming from his side drew his attention and he looked towards the passenger seat.

"Sorry for what?" His bold husky voice echoed inside the car taking away the remaining courage from the girl enveloped in a black colour shawl.

"Um..... Oh... You...." she tried but couldn't form any sentence.

"Leave it." He rudely said and focused his gaze on the road.

She has been thinking for almost 6 hours but couldn't come to any conclusion as to why he fought for her with his family. A mere servant's daughter who's presence was insignificant to those living in the 'haweli'. Why would he jump into her personal family matter and save her like knight in the shining armour?

What was his motive behind that?
As far as she remember, he never acknowledged her presence around them, neither he talked politely with her even though he was little bit good to her brother unlike other shah people.

So, what happened to him suddenly?

Her chain of thoughts came to a halt when the car stopped with a jerk.

She look up and a beautiful white cottage came into her view.

"Come out."He ordered whilst climbing out.

She sighed before stepping out. She knew nothing was going to be like before.

Within a day she has drown so much attention of shah people as well as their hate.

She could just pray to be strong and fight in the odd times of her life with chin up.

Assalam o Alaiykum and hello everyone

How r u all

So this is just a glimpse of what is to come

I am seriously very much excited to connect with u guys after so long

I missed u all

Please stay home and stay safe.... Keep praying for urself, for humanity, for the one suffering and all our doctors and nurses out there fighting this pandemic (they are real heroes)

Meet you guys tomorrow

Love ya❤️

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