27. Tangled Threads

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"Uzair, you are behaving ridiculously. It was Eishal's child also. You aren't the only one suffering loss." Zubair chided him.

It's been more than fortnight since Eishal fell from the stair and lost her child.

Uzair was angry on her for not telling him about his child inspite of her being in trauma for her sudden precious loss.

Both were in pain and Uzair was giving her more pain by ignoring her.

They were in Haweli and Zubair along with all the Haweli members was aware of his behaviour. He knew Eishal needed him but instead of taking her out from the impact of that incident, he was giving her more reasons to not come to life. So Zubair thought to put some sense in his insensible brother.

"Bhai please, I know what I'm doing."Uzair rudely spoke to him which was rare.

Zubair pursed his lips, clearly not liking his tone and glared him.

"Uzair... Do you think she killed Your child. It was you who left her here alone for your own satisfaction of achieving something big. Didn't she ask you to come home frequently. Didn't you feel her sad and lonely voice over phone calls. Do you think she was enjoying here alone without any loved one being near her. And..... Now also don't you see her living like corps. You claimed to be in love with her but I'm sorry love is never like this." Zubair spoke in a go and the changing expressions of Uzair was evident. Zubair knew Uzair needed one nice talk to remind his love for her.

Uzair stood up with a jerk and strode inside from the lawn. He stopped only when he reached his room which he has abandoned now a days and have been sleeping in the room beside it. His step falter near the threshold but nonetheless sighing heavily, he stepped in and saw Eishal sleeping. He scurried towards the bed and sat down near her. His gaze froze on her face which held no sign of life, her eye lids close and covered with dark circles, her chapped lips. Looking at her forlorn condition he felt his heart wrenching painfully. If not for Zubair raising finger on his love for her and making him realize his mistake, he wouldn't have realised what he have done to her.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled taking her hand in his and pecking it lovingly.

Eishal feeling someone's touch opened her eyes and saw him. She has been craving to see him. She was feeling as if she was in dark and Uzair was her light. If he wouldn't come to her, the darkness around her would surely consume her. But Uzair didn't come to her for once. And now she saw him for the first time after the accident.

Their eyes met.
Eishal kept looking at his eyes without blinking for few seconds. Deep pain and complains swirling in her orbs and when she blinked, her dam of patience broke and she end up sobbing uncontrollably.

Uzair couldn't see her like this. He laid beside her sobbing form, his eyes tearing as well and engulfed her quivering from in his warm embrace, pecking her head every now and then and mumbling 'it's okay and I'm sorry'.

Eishal slept in his arm after half an hour of crying her heart out. Uzair kept gazing her. He knew he had done blunder by ignoring her when she needed him the most. He promised himself to not  ignore here ever again no matter what.


"Hadiya what happened? Are you fine?" Atif asked her when he saw her pale face.

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