10.Tangled Threads

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"Baba jaan, we got an information that he is about to kidnap a girl." Abbas said, standing erect.

"The girl he is about to kidnap might be his pawn for the game he started with me." Zulfiqar spoke to none specifically , his gaze fixed at a point on the floor.

"I need complete information about the girl." He commanded now addressing his both son.

"As you command baba jaan." Saying both the man strode out.

"What is this game you are playing now durrani?" He murmured, his brain busy planning the game which would be one step ahead of durrani.


Atif was busy glaring him since an hour.

Feeling his constant piercing gaze, Uzair squirmed on his place. His tongue itching to say something snarky so that he would know, who should be the one giving death glares.

"Why the hell are you glaring me?" Finally he asked irritated.

"If you hadn't gotten these scratches in the accident, I would've love to give you those with punches." He gritted his teeth.

"Instead of me, I would have love to see you here laying." Uzair was now again raging.

"After marriage, you have become so irrational." Knowing very well, heated conversations wouldn't do any good, Atif thought to speak calmly.

"Why you are always after my marriage?" Uzair saw red at the mention of his marriage from his mouth.

"Act like an adult that you are, will you?" Atif felt hard to contain his anger.

This time Uzair didn't speak anything, but turned his head other side.

"I wanted to tell you this on happy note, but you are so stupid to ruin this beautiful moment." Atif was disappointed.

At that, Uzair turned his gaze towards him.

And Atif, getting at least little bit of attention narrated the whole story.

"Whaaaat? How could you even think to marry her? She is so young." Atif was expecting him to be happy but here he was raising objection.

"Whats wrong with this? I love her man." He was infuriated now.

"She is like a little sister to me. I'm not going to approve this alliance." Uzair was hell bent on separating them before even they were united.

"Then I must kill you." At that Uzair started laughing hysterically.

Atif was now doubting his mental stability.

"I'm so glad man, you are in love. Finally you would be able to understand my crazy moves when it comes to Eishal." After his laughed ceased, he said genuinely and with the good hand, he pulled him for a hug.

"What was that you said before?" Hugging him back, he asked patting his arm with little extra force.

"Pay back." He said wincing.

"I know, what Eishal said is right. If you really love her than she would be the safest and happiest with you." He spoke with a distant look.

"Is Eishal happy and safe with you?" Atif's question shook him from inside, he didn't say anything.

"I'm not married but I've seen my parents. The most beautiful thing between them is trust and respect." Atif very well knew that Uzair was brought up in a very strict patriarchy family, where female weren't considered important to value their perspective of life and neither they were given any freedom.

Uzair nodded understandingly.
He may have been brought up in such society but he spent most of his life outside the village and that had broaden his thinking enough to make him realize his mistakes.

I will definetly apologize to her.
It is so wrong of me to doubt on her loyality towards me.

I....i...should confess to her as well.

Leaving him pondering atif went towards the sofa and laid down ,with the thought of his beautiful angel he was drown into sleep.


Next morning ,eishal woke up with back pain and unbearable headache .

She freshened up still sulking in her head with the way Uzair lashed out his anger on her and end up in the hospital.

I shouldn't wait to welcome that stupid man.

The whole night of thinking and rewinding the incident has left her furious.

She showered and changed.

without breakfast she took her necessities and stepped out of the house.

It was early morning, so she thought to walk to the main road. This way her anger would subside a little.

The fresh air of the morning and chirping birds really lightened her mood.

She took out her phone and played her favorite nasheed.

She was walking lazily towards the main road when she heard someone's scream.

Pausing the nasheed she looked here and there but found nothing suspicious.

She shrugged her shoulder and resumed her walk.

She was two step ahead when she heard the scream again.

Is someone in trouble?

Her feet started moving towards the source of the scream.

After few minutes of walk she saw a van parked near the roadside.

With thumping heart, she started nearing the van.

Seeing the sight in front of her, her eyes widen with fear and she started shaking like autumn leave.

"Leave her." Finding her voice, she screamed with all her might.

"Take your way and pretend like you have seen nothing, otherwise we won't mind to....." That giant of a man threatened her and she had a second thought to do as he said, but she knew she would regret that decision her whole life.

So she did what her heart said.

" Leave her or I will call the cops." Saying she showed them her phone, blindly dialing some number.

The other man, who was standing there the whole time silently, strode towards her and twisted her wrist because of which the phone end falling somewhere.

" Take her along." The giant man commanded and climbed on the driver seat after pushing almost the faint lady on the back seat.

Eishal protested with all her might but the man effortlessly made her inhale the chloroform and soon enough she lost all her senses.

Asslam o alaiykum everyone

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