🌸 2 🌸

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i pushed the clear water towards sam, him gasping and pushing it right back. the two of us had a little water fight in the pool, followed by us going underwater to kiss.
"my legs hurt, all we've done today is bike riding, walking, and swimming, they're aching," he giggled, sliding up onto the side of the pool.
"do you maybe wanna go cuddle?" i asked with a grin, resting my head inbetween his spread legs, not facing him.
"yeah," he giggled, ruffling my wet hair and standing up once i'd gotten out of the beautiful water.
"here," i passed him a dry towel from the table near the pool, both of us now shivering.
"t-thanks," he grinned, wrapping it around himself. i did the same and chuckled, jogging inside with him behind me.
"you two are in early," my mom smiled, furrowing her eyebrows.
"we've had a long day, and we're super tired. we did some biking around town and then we went on a really long walk, so we're literally exhausted," i chuckled, scratching the back of my head with one hand.
"ok, well, if you're asleep i'll wake you up for dinner," she smiled, letting us free to go upstairs.
"ok," i grinned back at her, going upstairs with sam a step behind me. i walked into my room and let him in, closing and locking the door behind me. i only locked it so my mom wouldn't walk in.
"colbyyy," sam spoke with a soft smile, looking up at me. i could tell he was about to ask for something.
"yes, il mio amore?" i grinned, looking down at his lips.
"could i borrow a hoodie?" he fluttered his eyelashes at me, giggling.
"why do you even ask at this point?" i laughed. he'd stolen four of mine already. i wasn't planning on getting them back any time soon.
"which one?" i asked, opening my closet and pointing to the hoodie section.
"this one!" he giggled, pulling out a grey champion hoodie. i never wore them, simply because it was usually too hot, but sam loved wearing them. i didn't understand how in such heat, but i wasn't complaining - he was literally adorable.
"ok, we need to get dressed before my carpet is literally soaked," i laughed, looking at the little water patches on the floor from our hair.
"i'll be back in a second," he grinned, grabbing his bag and leaving the room. i grabbed myself a pair of black joggers and boxers and swapped my wet swimming shorts for them, tying the string as they were a little loose.
"are you decent?" sam giggled, knocking on the door.
"yeah," i chuckled at his word choice and he walked in, his eyes glued to my slightly defined abs.
"my eyes are up here," i grinned, him giggling.
"sorry," he smiled, locking my door behind him and laying on my bed.
"c'mere," i laid beside him, him grinning and snuggling up to my side.
"you're so cute," i chuckled, kissing his forehead. he looked up at me and pouted, giggling. i kissed him with a grin, him leaning his head on my chest.


"i'm so tired," sam yawned, curling up into a ball on my bed. i'd only just walked into my room after taking our dishes downstairs.
"oh god, same," i groaned, flopping down beside him and wrapping my arms around him from behind.
"did you lock the door, tesoro?" he mumbled.
"yeah," i said with another yawn, kissing the back of his head gently. i pulled the covers over us and he snuggled under them, my hoodie now in his bag so he could wear it tomorrow.
"colby?" he mumbled softly.
"yeah, babe?" i mumbled back, rubbing his side slowly.
"i really really like you," he giggled quietly.
"i really really like you too," i chuckled, settling my hand in one place and closing my eyes. i didn't know why sam didn't say i love you. but i didn't want to put that kind of pressure on him. if he wasn't ready, i'd wait. i'd wait forever for sam.


roblox has become my new obsession. why, i hear you asking? i have no idea

i think i love you / solbyWhere stories live. Discover now