Her Voice...

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-(A Few Days Later)-

(Cloud's POV)

"YESSS! TODAY'S THE DAY PEOPLE!" Barret yelled at the top of his lungs. Me and Tifa sighed at his excitement. The group had decided that today we were gonna make a plan to sneak into another mako reactor. I've now have been given the privilege to join these "meetings" so I would have to be listening to that dumb ass scream.

"Good morning daddy!" Barret looked down at his daughter Marlene. He smiled and picked her up and hoisted her on his shoulder. 

"Good morning Marlene." Marlene smiled as Barret slowly put her back on the ground. She turned back towards the stairs as soon as (Y/N) was at the bottom. "(Y/N)!" she exclaimed happily running into her.  "Heya Marlene, did you eat anything yet?" (Y/N) asked Marlene. Marlene shook her head and (Y/N) walked over to the kitchen.

"Alrighty then, what do you want for breakfast?" (Y/N) asked.

"Pancakes!" Marlene said with a smile. (Y/N) nodded and immediately began making it. Tifa looked at the time and turned to me and Barret, "We should get started guys. Aerith and them are already down there waiting for us." me and Barret nodded and walked to the pinball machine that led to the secret room in the bottom of Seventh Heaven. 

"Hey (Y/N), I'm sorry that it's so early in the morning..but could you watch the place and take care of Marlene please." Tifa asked. (Y/N) nodded without hesitation, "Of course, take as long as you need." (Y/N) said with a smile. Tifa nodded and walked over to the pinball machine that me and Barret were at.

"See you then." I said to (Y/N). She nodded as the elevator took us down. Barret and Tifa looked at me with weird expressions.


"Oh nothing, it was just that you and (Y/N) had a very CUTE moment there." Barret said with a grin. 

"H-Huh?! No we didn't." I said not looking at them.

"Hmmm..well then what happened a few days ago? When you, Marlene, and (Y/N) made dinner for us? You two had a moment outside...didn't you?" Tifa grinned making the same face as Barret.

"Oh the both of you just...shut up!"

-( 13 Minutes Later)-

( (Y/N's) POV )

"Thanks for the pancakes (Y/N)!" Marlene said with a huge amount of happiness in her voice. I smiled at her as I finished washing the dishes. "So, what did you want to do today?" I asked Marlene. Marlene thought about it and her face immediately brightened when the idea stuck her. 

"I actually wanted to make everyone something, like gifts!" I nodded and looked around and grabbed a pencil and paper. "Well, what should we make for who?" Marlene thought about it and grabbed the piece of a paper and pencil.

"Well for Daddy I wanted to make him a necklace, and for Tifa I wanted to make a hair ornament for her, then for Wedge I wanted to make him food, then for Jessie some cute earrings, then for Biggs...hmm maybe some gloves, and then for Aerith I wanted to make a flower necklace for her.." but then Marlene stopped and looked up at me, "But..I don't know what to make for mister Cloud. I've been trying to think but I couldn't think of what to make.." she sighed with disappointment. "Do you know what Cloud might like (Y/N)?" she asked.

I thought for a moment, what would Cloud like.....

"I think I have an idea of what Cloud would like...but it might be the hardest thing to make. So let's do him last." Marlene nodded.

"Alrighty then let's do it!"

-(7 Hours Later)-

(Cloud's POV)

(Cloud Strife x Reader) The Tainted Past...(COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon