The Truth...

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-(1 Hour Later)-

( (Y/N)'s POV )

"(Y/N) like this, right?" Marlene asked me as she folded some paper to make a dog face origami. I nodded and she smiled. 

"Now to color it." but as I stood up to go and grab the crayons something caught Marlene's eyes. "Daddy!" she yelled happily and ran towards Barret. I turned to Cloud but didn't like the expression on his was a combination of anger...and that I myself have used too much. 

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked him when he walked over to me. 

"I...I learned some stuff...and now I feel like a fool."

"Well tell me then...what's wrong?"

"(Y/N)...I...I was never a first class SOLIDER..."

-(Time Skip To When After Cloud Tells Everyone)-

(Cloud's POV)

"So....the real first class SOLIDER...was a man named Zack?" Tifa asked after the long talk I had with them about what happened. "Yeah..." I replied.

"Well....there's really nothing we can do about it if the guys dead. But there's still one thing I don't understand." Barret said. "Why would this Sephiroth guy give YOU those memories now of all times? Even after he tried to kill you.." everyone was silent knowing that Barret had a point.

"To test you maybe? See what you would do?" Red said.

"Maybe..." I said.

But then all of a sudden Aerith began to cry in the back of the room, we all turned to her with surprise. "Aerith what's wrong?" (Y/N) asked patting her on the back."I...I knew him...Zack Fair.." she said. "Y-you did?! How?" I asked. Everyone was interested now, their eyes and attention on Aerith.

"A few years ago he was sent by Shinra to check on me....and then the more we hung out we fell in love.." she said wiping her tears, "Then one day..Shinra found out that me and Zack...had a child." I could feel my eyes widen by learning this information. "A..child?" (Y/N) asked, she seemed to be as surprised as I was.

"Yes...only a few months after she was born I asked Zack to take her somewhere..anywhere that wasn't near me..and so he did when he went on that mission for four years. Then he never I never knew where my child was.." Tifa and (Y/N) were crying, feeling sorry for Aerith.

"I'm..I'm so sorry Aerith.." I said trying to calm her.

"It's alright...the past is the past..and the now is now." she said cheering up. 

I nodded at her, "True.." I said with a smile.

-(2 Hours Later)-

( (Y/N)'s POV )

I opened my eyes to the sound of someone moving around in the house. After the group meeting everyone basically went to sleep, trying to sleep on what we all learned today. But I knew that the one suffering out of all of us..was Cloud...

I stood up and walked slowly to my door and opened it, I could see Cloud's spiky hair walk down the steps. I followed him outside to a patch of flowers where he decided to sit by.

"Hey..." I said making him jump.

"Well what do you know..." he said with a grin. I walked over to him and sat next to him near the bed of flowers, I looked up  and could see a few stars in the sky in a crack on the plate. 

"Couldn't sleep?" 

"Yeah..." Cloud sighed.

"I feel like an in the world could I have forgotten about him? He was my best friend..."

"Well...something must've happened Cloud..maybe that's why you might've forgotten."

"Maybe...but still..who would just forget their bets friend like that.." Cloud placed his right hand on the back of his neck. "Only an idiot would..." he said with the most saddest tone I had ever heard. "It's my fault that Aerith couldn't see Zack again..or hear about her child...because Zack died for me..he risked everything..even seeing the love of his life again.." Cloud said looking up. I stood up and walked behind him, I then knelt down and hugged his back. 

" was not your please stop saying that." Cloud sighed and grabbed my hand and gently squeezed it.  "We'll find out what happened..and why..don't worry. So just be positive and I know everything will fine." I said earning a chuckle from Cloud.

"Thank you (Y/N).." he said in a soothing voice. "No asked me to stay with I am...and I'll always be with you to cheer you up. So stop being so mopey." I said with a giggle.

"Yeah, yeah...I'm blessed.." Cloud said in a happier tone. 

I wrapped my arms around Cloud tighter, feeling happier knowing that I can have these moments with him...


(I can't wait to do the next chapters guys! I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one! BYEEE!)

(Cloud Strife x Reader) The Tainted Past...(COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang