Their True Feelings...

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(Cloud's POV)

Marlene opened the door and led me a few more steps until she stopped. "She's over here.." she said, I nodded and waved to her before walking up the stone steps.

I walked up the final step and saw (Y/N) standing there, she was looking at some flowers and she seemed to be drawing them..

"Hey..(Y/N).." she turned around shocked it was me.

"C-Cloud!? What are you doing here, you should be resting!" she said as she walked over to me. 

"I..I need to tell you something...something I should've told you long ago..."

( (Y/N)'s POV )

"Tell me something? Cloud you can just tell me when I take you,-"

"No..I need to tell you this..alone.." I felt my heart start to beat faster as he said that.

"A-Alone?" Cloud walked towards me, clenching where his wound was. He looked at me with a sad..yet hopeful expression. He sat down and looked at upwards, I slowly sat down next to him waiting for him to speak.

"So..what did you wanna-,"

"I'm sorry.."

"H-huh?" I asked, looking at Cloud with a confused expression. "Why are you apologizing?" I asked, "You did nothing wrong.." Cloud shook his head and placed his hand on top of mines.

"(Y/N)...I already told you that..I've been happier with you around..but I never knew why. Why did you show up in my life so suddenly? Why do I always want to see you smile? Why do you always have such a warm touch to you? Why do you look more beautiful in the moonlight?" I felt my heart beating faster and faster, and louder and louder. I was afraid that Cloud might've heard it too when he turned to me. I placed my hand on his forehead which made him surprised. 

"Are you sick or something? Why are you so..different today?" I asked, Cloud stared at me for a moment  before he started to laugh. 

"No..I'm not sick you dummy.." he said, as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. Then his expression changed back to his sad one.

"When...I was..well sleeping..I remembered a few more things." he said. I nodded happy for him but didn't know why he wanted to tell me that. 

"And you're telling me about that because?"

"Because they were about you.." I felt my heart stop...I felt tears starting to swell up in my eyes..memories

"I remembered who you're (Y/N) (L/N). Zack Fair's sister...but Zack didn't want anyone to he gave you the last name (L/N) instead.." I looked up at Cloud surprised and...happy.

"I also remembered..what you meant to me. When I worked at were the only thing that mattered to me more then my family and friends. The woman who would always cook food for me,who told me ridiculous stories and jokes, the one who I wanted to stay by, the one who shed tears for me, and the one who I promised to return to but never did..." Cloud stood up and I stood up with him, he smiled at me and pulled me to him. He wrapped his hand around my waist and smiled at me.

"(Y/N)...with all the time I spent with you...and cared for you..I realized something very important. That...that I love you..I love everything about you..and I wanted to tell you again that I'm sorry that I didn't return to you...but I promise that now..I'll never leave you again..I'll stay with you till the very end.." I looked up at him and started to cry. Cloud was surprised and started to freak out.

"W-w-what?! Why are you crying?" he asked. I looked up at him with a smile as tears continued to spill from my eyes. "I'm...I'm just so happy that you remembered...and...and...I love you too Cloud. I love you more then anything in the world." Cloud smiled at me and placed his free hand on my cheek. 

"You have no idea how happy that made me..." he said. Then as we stared at each other for a while Cloud finally met his lips with mine and kissed me passionately on the lips. When we parted I smiled and him and he smiled at me.

"You know what I'm gonna call you now?" I asked. Cloud grinned down at me and kissed me on the forehead, "What?" he asked, almost scared to hear it.

"Well...since I lost it when the plate're gonna be my new cuddly bear." Cloud groaned and rolled his eyes. "Really?" he asked, I nodded making him sigh.

"Fine then....I'll call you..oh I know.." he moved his head to my ear, "Sexy.." he whispered, making me blush. I hit him on the back as he began laughing at my expression. He then grabbed my hand and smiled at me. "I love you darling.." he said holding my hand tightly.

"I love you too..cuddly bear.." I said and giggled. Cloud sighed and kissed me again, I wrapped my arms around him..not wanting this night to ever end...


(When I was making this chapter I was literally fangirling to it myself. II just really love this chapter! So thank you for waiting and I hope you enjoyed this one! BYEEE!)

(Cloud Strife x Reader) The Tainted Past...(COMPLETED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu