I Do...

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-(2 Day's Later)-

(Cloud's POV)

After the...thing with me and (Y/N) two days ago, it wasn't a surprise when everyone found out what happened. (I was sure Marlene told Barret or the girls). They've been watching me for hours on end until (Y/N) assured them that we just talked about how we felt and nothing more. They believed her..but not me which hurt me a little.

"So..the two of you are a thing now, you guys gonna go on any dates?" Aerith asked. 

"Yeah you guys should! Just take a walk or something!" Tifa said happily. 

"Well...I-," but before I could finish (Y/N) and Marlene ran down the stairs loudly. 

"Cloud, Cloud!" (Y/N) said happily, hiding something behind her back. "Yes?" I asked. (Y/N) turned to Marlene who had a huge smile planted on her face. The (Y/N) showed me what she was hiding behind her back, I looked at the doll in horror.

"It's you!" (Y/N) giggled, "Marlene and I made it!" she said with a smile. I looked at the doll and couldn't help but believe her, the doll looked exactly like me..but with button eyes.

"Aww, it's so cute!" Aerith said with a giggle. I could hear Barret and Red choking on their laughter and I glared at them. 

"Oh yeah, Red I have a favor for you.." Red looked up at (Y/N), "Yeah?" he asked.

"I was wondering if you could come with me and Marlene to go do shopping." Red was shocked to be asked to do such a thing. "Ummm..sure I wouldn't mind.." he said, rather happy being asked.

"Alright then, let's get a move on then!" (Y/N) said happily, she handed me the doll and walked to the door with Marlene and Red. "See you guys!" Marlene and (Y/N) said with a smile. We all waved to them as all three of them walked out the door. I kept looking at the door until I couldn't see (Y/N) anymore and turned back to Barret, Tifa, and Aerith. Then all of a sudden Aerith slapped her head, we turned to her making sure that she was alright.

"Hey you good or-,"

"I figured it out! Cloud you love (Y/N), so then..why don't you ask her to marry you?"

I spat out the apple juice that Barret served me and started to cough. Tifa and Barret looked at Aerith as if she was the smartest person in the world.

"That's a great idea! Cloud you should do it!" Tifa said, clapping her hands together. 

"But...what if she doesn't want to get married?" I asked. But then Tifa and Aerith slammed their palms on the table making me jump.

"She had to wait YEARS to hear you say those words to her Cloud! She had to wait because she felt bad for YOU who lost your memories!" Aerith yelled.

"I bet a million gill she wants to get married! After all she did wait for a long time to be with you again!" Tifa said. I turned to Barret who just shrugged, "Your call man." he said, and drank the last of his juice.

I sighed and thought about what the girls were saying, it's true that she waited for a long time...and I felt bad about that very much..but...but does she want to get married so soon? I thought about me and (Y/N)..getting married, living happily side by side. "Fine..I'll ask her." I said, Tifa and Aerith began jumping up and down. 

"Alright I know a guy who owes me something, we can ask him to make you a ring for (Y/N)! You just have to figure out the design. Me and Tifa will met you there, the shop it called Diamonds and Pearls." Aerith said, she ran to the door with Tifa and the two ran outside.

"Jeez..women..." Barret said with a long sigh.

"Hmmm..a design..what kind of design.."

"You should choose wisely,  I don't think (Y/N) would feel comfortable wearing a ring with that Buster sword on it." he said with a grin.

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