The Untold Destiny..

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-(The Next Day)-

(Cloud's POV)

I groaned as I slowly got out of bed and stretched, I looked down at (Y/N) to see her happily snoring holding Ellie close to her. I smiled as I kissed her on the forehead, she opened her eyes and was confused at first until she finally realized what was going on.

"Hey there.." she said, as she stretched her arms.

"Hey there beautiful." I replied, as I picked up Ellie. She squirmed a little bit until she finally woke up.

"Bahhhbbmm." she cried.

"Yeah, yeah, hold on honey your gonna eat soon." I could've sworn I heard (Y/N) giggle as she stood up. We all walked out of the room and into the main room only to see a frantic and worried Tifa, Barret, and Red.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Barret handed me a letter and I looked down at it with (Y/N) and began to read it in my head.

Everyone...I know this might be shocking but I have to leave..there is an old cave not too far from here. Go there and then you'll find something that will help you on your journey to defeat Sephiroth. If I am not there...then it's was meant to happen anyway..

I read it like 4 times before it finally hit...Aerith was going to die..

"We have to go there and help her!" (Y/N) cried.

"But...she must've left hours ago..we might late.." Red said defeated.

"That's why we're leaving now! If we leave now I am sure we can save her!" (Y/N) cried.

"She's right, come on people...I thought that you were stronger then this!" I yelled. Tifa, Barret, and Red looked up at us with more determination then they did before.

"Alright then..lets go."

-(Time Skip)-

(Aerith's POV)

I sighed as I knelt down and began to chant the words that I knew by heart...the last ones I say before I die. I looked up waiting for my time to come, but chose not believe that it would happen.

I won't die..I won't die..

Then as soon as I was almost finished with the ritual Cloud and everyone ran inside the cave, I watched with surprise as they looked up at me and ran towards me.

"Aerith!" (Y/N) yelled. I smiled at her and was about to say something until I felt it...that presence..I looked up and saw Sephiroth coming down at me with his sword in hand. 

So..this is it...huh...

I sighed as tears started to fill my eyes, but just as Sephiroth was about to stab me and kill me (Y/N) pulled me away causing Sephiroth to hit the ground.

"W-Why did you do that!?" I asked, "You could've died!"

"I can't believe that you tried to get yourself killed! I told you, you're staying alive with everyone!" she yelled. I looked down and gasped, in my hand for the first time...was the white materia..

"You fucking bitch.." Sephiroth growled, he pounced towards me but Cloud jumped in time to block him.

"EAT THIS BITCH!" Barret yelled, he aimed his gun at him and started to fire at Sephiroth. Sephiroth got hit by a few and tried to regain his ground only to get kicked and scratched by Tifa and Red. Cloud then slashed Sephiroth with his sword causing him to stagger backwards.

"Dammit..." he growled, he glanced at me before disappearing.

I looked up at everyone with wide eyes...they just changed..destiny..


(SORRY IN A RUSH! Have a good day! BYEE!)

(Cloud Strife x Reader) The Tainted Past...(COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin