Their Future..

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-(The Next Day)-

( (Y/N)'s POV )

I opened my eyes as I rolled to the edge of the bed, I turned to see Cloud snoring softly with a peaceful look on his face. I smiled at him and stood up to get dressed, but when I looked out the window I  noticed some people were walking towards the house. When I got a better look I noticed that it was Tifa, Red, Marlene, Aerith, and Barret walking towards the house.

I smiled as they were getting closer...when me and Cloud were...up here..


"H-Huh!?" Cloud yelled, he looked around and turned to me.

"W-what's wrong?"

"Everyone is HOME, and your in here NAKED! WITH ME!" Cloud stared at me for a moment until he realized what I was trying to say. He quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed his clothes and started to get dressed.

"Go and act like you're making breakfast!" Cloud said, trying to put on his shirt. I nodded and ran down the stairs and grabbed out some things to make it look like I was starting breakfast. But as soon as I turned the stove on, everyone walked in with bright happy smiles.

"Good morning (Y/N), how was your night?"

"U-umm, good! Couldn't have slept better." I pinched myself on the arm after hearing myself say that.

"Hey where is-,"

"(Y/N)! Did they get in yet?!" Everyone looked up as Cloud stopped at the bottom of the stairs with his shirt only halfway on, and his pants wasn't even nice..I gulped as I felt the eyes of everyone look at me and then Cloud.

"Hey (Y/N), can you come upstairs with me to help me unpack?" Marlene asked. I slowly turned around and nodded, "Yeah..sure I'll help.." I walked over to Marlene  and followed her as sh walked up the stairs. I patted Cloud on the shoulder as I passed by, hoping him the best of luck....

(Cloud's POV)

I watched as (Y/N) walked upstairs with Marlene, I turned back to everyone else and slowly walked over to the table. I sat down and was about to say something until they all yelled out the same question.

"What happened last night?!" 

I sighed and rested my head on the palm of my hand, "'s complicated.." I said.

"How the hell is it complicated to answer that question?! Let me rephrase our question for you, DID YOU TWO HAVE SEX?!" I choked on the air as he asked that question.

" did huh?" Aerith asked with a scowl.

"Look, I can explain."

"You better." Tifa said with a glare.

"I...She asked me yesterday if she wanted to have children..and I said yes. I..I want her to be happy with her own child. I mean, I know that she loves to hang out with's not then same if it's not your own child. So YES we had sex, but because me and her wanted to start a family...nothing more." I replied.

I waited for all of them to say something, but instead Aerith and Tifa started crying. I turned to them confused why they would be crying,

"Cloud I never thought you would be so-con-considerate!" Tifa cried.

"That's so heartwarming!" Aerith said.

Barret and Red patted me on the back with huge smiled on their faces, "We proud of you man.." Barret said, Red nodded long with Barret's comment.

I looked at all of them and sighed, "Yeah, yeah.." I said with a smile.

"Welp, now all we have to do is wait.."

-(2 Weeks Later)-

"Cloud...(Y/N) is pregnant." I turned to Aerith as if she was a ghost.

"A-Are you sure?!" I asked walking up to her. Aerith nodded, "I've seen this stuff yes..she is." she replied with a smile.

It's been 2 weeks since me and (Y/N)'s "eventful" night. Me and (Y/N) were just waiting for a sign any sign that there was a baby coming our way. Then today, (Y/N) started throwing up and wasn't looking too good. But after a little check-up with Aerith I now learned that I was going to have a child...

"I-I can't believe it happened so fast.." I said.

Barret and Tifa ran up the stairs with hope on their faces, "So?" Tifa asked waiting for the answer. "Yep..(Y/N) is pregnant.." Aerith said, Tifa clapped  her hands together and Barret just did a full on cheer.

"I'm happy for you SOLDIER boy!" he said happily.

I smiled and was about to thank him until Red ran up the stairs with a worried expression on his face. "Guys! We got a problem." I looked at Barret and Tifa who nodded and followed Red.

"Aerith...please keep her safe.." I asked.

"No prob!" Aerith said with a salute. I smiled at her and ran off to where Tifa, Barret, and Red were. I made it all the way to the spot where me and Aerith had to fight some Turks, and then I saw them..

 "Oh, there he is!" Reno said with a grin.

I growled as I remembered who he was..the jackass that poisoned (Y/N).

"Reno, come on we only came to get the girl." Rude said.

"Yeah, yeah I know." Reno looked back at me and smiled.

"After a little duel I suppose..."

I grabbed my buster sword and got into a ready position, "Bring it asshole..."


"Shit! Their fucking strong!" Reno yelled. Rude grabbed an injured Reno and ran to the helicopter that came to pick them up.

"This isn't the end assholes! We'll get you!" Reno yelled as the helicopter with him and Rude on top flew away. "Damn it, they got away!" Barret growled.

"Then we go after them." I replied.

"But Cloud...what about (Y/N), Aerith, and Marlene?" Tifa asked.

"We'll be quick...don't's like we were never,-"

"I think the heck not!"

We all turned to see (Y/N) and Aerith standing by the entrance to this place, "(Y/N)?" I asked as I walked towards her.

"What are you two doing here? What about Marlene?" Barret asked.

"My mother came home a few minutes ago and she told us what was going on and as soon as we heard we ran over here. I asked my mom to watch her so she's fine Barret.." Aerith said. Barret nodded feeling reassured.

"That's not the point, (Y/N) you shouldn't be here. I don't want you to get-,"

"Cloud I'll be fine! I got you and everyone to support me! Nothing you say is gonna stop me!" (Y/N) said with a grin.

"Fine..." I said reluctantly, she smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.

"Now let's go and give Shinra a good kick in the ass!"


(I hope that you guys enjoyed this one, and I will work hard on the next one! I hope you'll read the next one my fellow readers! BYEE)

(Cloud Strife x Reader) The Tainted Past...(COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora