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-(A Few Days Later)-

(Cloud's POV)

I sighed as Barret served me another shot of apple juice, "Something wrong man?" he asked. I looked up at him with tired eyes, "I..I don't think me and (Y/N) have been getting sleep.." I said, as I rubbed my eyes gently.

Now  that me and (Y/N) are both there for Ellie we both take turns taking care of Ellie at night when she can't sleep. I mean she doesn't cry or anything, it's just that she takes awhile to sleep..and I stayed up until 2:00 in the morning until she finally got tired out.

"Well, I hate to break it to you man..but we got like..a lot of work to do today. We still gotta ask all the villagers if they've seen any traces of Sephiroth." I nodded, "Yeah..I know.." Barret sighed, as he looked up out the window of his hotel room.

"Where is (Y/N) anyway?" 

"She took Ellie and Yuffie for a walk. I hope their okay..."

"They'll be fine, I'm sure Yuffie and (Y/N) can fight anybody off. Well anyway,  I guess I gotta call everyone else up here to meet up and talk about our next move."

"Yeah..I'll go look around.."

"Oh no you don't! I don't want people to see you walking around half dead, stay here and rest. I'll be back in a jiff." Barret said. 


(Yuffie's POV)

"Wow! It's so nice here!" I said, I looked around the forest at the beautiful flowers and trees.

"'s very pretty here." (Y/N) smiled. Ellie giggled as (Y/N) lifted her up and down with a bright smile on her face.

" motherhood going for you?" I asked, as we started walking back to the village.

"'s okay..I mean there are times where I've been very stressed out. But luckily I have Cloud to help me.." she replied.

"Yeah..not too many women are lucky to have a man like Cloud." 

(Y/N) was about to say something to me until a few men blocked our path, I glared at them as they started to walk closer. "Who the hell are you?" I asked, one of the men walked towards us and looked at me and shook his head.

"Too ugly."

"HUH?! What the hell did you said to me punk!?" I yelled.

"Look dude, we need to leave if you don't mind." (Y/N) said clutching Ellie tightly. The same man looked at (Y/N) and smiled, "My, my, what have  we here?" he asked, he tried to wrap his arms around (Y/N) but she kicked him right in the balls. I smiled at her as the man regained his strength and looked back at (Y/N).

"Gutsy aren't you? Well then I suggest that you come with me." he said.

"Why the hell would I do that?" (Y/N) asked, starting to get irritated.

"Because I'll kill her." he said, and he slowly pointed at me. Then before I knew it, two big hands grabbed me and forcefully pulled me to the cocky bastard talking to (Y/N). 

"Fine...let her and this child go..and I'll go with you.." I shook my head at (Y/N).

"No (Y/N)! Don't do this!" I yelled, but (Y/N) wasn't listening.

The guys turned to the man that was holding me, "Let her go." he said. The man did as he was told, then (Y/N) walked over to me and handed me Ellie.

"Please don't do this, we can fight them off.." I whispered.

"No..Ellie is here and I can't fight with her around. They all also have guns, and the chances of you and me getting shot are just go..and tell Cloud and the others."

(Cloud Strife x Reader) The Tainted Past...(COMPLETED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora