The Friend

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May 1413

For the celebrations my husband forces me to leave my chambers. My health is of no concern to him, only that his appearance at the festivities will look better if he has his wife by his side. Honestly, I do not have the energy to talk with him about it. It's easier to do what I am told without putting up a fight. I pick out a simple white gown, take my matching umbrella in my hand and join my husband outside my door.

The feast is excruciating. The people are loud, the music is unbearable and everyone is so happy, laughing at everything and smiling as though it is merely another celebration. It is then I realise that I will be the one and only person to ever grieve my unborn child. Surprisingly, after the more people we greet, it becomes somewhat easier to fake my smile. I put on a show for everyone and nobody will question it. 

An hour or so later my husband is deep into a conversation about virgin prostitutes with another highborn Lord and I have almost fallen asleep by his side.

"Your Grace."

I turn around and find that I am looking at a familiar smiling face.

"Edmund. I did not know you were back at court."

"In fact I am only here for the food and ale."

He looks handsome, standing tall, earlier following the celebrations closely but now his gaze is fixed on me. I desperately want to get away from my husband who is now trying to convince the man next to him that he has bedded no less than seven virgins, not including myself I imagine since his wife is often forgotten.

"Would you take a walk with me?"

Edmund looks stunned but only for a moment before he gives me his hand. We walk around the grounds for a few minutes and exchange polite conversation about the weather and the feast. When that is done, we share a short silence before Edmund somehow comes to speak off his disagreements with his father and the death of his Lady Mother so openly that I do not know how to respond. At least now I do not remember why I had ever found his company boring. After a while he falls silent and stops walking.

"I am so sorry, Your Grace. I should not be telling you all this, it was very rude of me."

I turn to face him and for the first time since I had bled, the smile on my lips is not forced.

"It's quite alright Edmund. I lost my brother not long ago and I still carry that pain with me. You have no reason to be sorry."

He makes a gesture like he will take my hand but before he has the chance to, he is interrupted by the King.

"Your Majesty", we both greet him but his eyes are only on me.

"I do hope you're feeling better, Your Grace."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I am."

When I get up and look him in the eye it appears as though he has forgotten where we are as he grabs a hold of my hands and stands so close that our shoes almost meet. This is not how he usually behaves towards me in public and I know the Queen's eyes could easily detect us from where we are standing but I do not wish to pull away just yet.

"You look so very thin my love, let's get you some duck. Boy!"

Charles is calling on a servant who runs towards the table that is packed with everything you could expect from a May Day celebration.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty, but I have eaten too much already. Anymore and I will rip my gown."

He begins to laugh and now I can see the longing in his eyes.

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