The Gamble

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As I approach Charles' chambers, I have to walk slowly so that my legs won't tremble. Will he notice something different about me, my body or mind? Everything about me feels altered so how can he not notice? When I am inside the chambers, I can not see him anywhere, so I call out for him but there is no response. I walk over to the table and pour two glasses of wine. As I finish mine there is still no sign of him. I pour myself another glass and sit down on the bed. With the hand that isn't holding the glass I reach out and touch the soft sheets. Perhaps I can be my normal self with him if I only try hard enough. The door suddenly swings open and there he is with a piece of parchment in his hand and a smile on his lips.


Quickly he leaves the paper on the table and walks towards me. His kiss calms me as usual but when my nightgown comes off he quickly pulls away like someone has dragged him off me. So he can tell something is not right. Why can I not act better when I need to?

"What's the matter?"

He starts to pace back and forward next to the bed then suddenly freeze and scream:


Maybe I should take offence, but he does not look at me and does not acknowledge my presence when he walks over to the chair and grabs his sword. My breathing becomes shallow when I look down on my legs and notice several green and yellow bruises. Charles is walking with firm steps towards the door but somehow I get there before him. My naked body covers the wooden planks even though I know he can pull me away too easily. There is a deep rage in his eyes and his tense face has turned his beautiful features into a hard mask.

"I gave that worm a warning", he growls. "One warning and he knew what it meant. Step aside."

Exposed in the flesh I stand my ground and defy my King and lover.

"No, please Charles. I laid with my husband and this is what I had to pay. This is my price for...a child."

I can not weep in front of the King of England so I force myself to stay calm even though only saying the words out loud had taken all the power from me. After a few seconds Charles lowers his sword and eventually lets it fall to the floor. For a while we lay on the bed both silent and looking up at the ceiling.

"Brave Emily."

That is all he says to me about my confession but it is enough. After falling back into our routines it felt comforting to spend yet another night in his arms.


Walking towards the great hall with my handmaidens the following day, Edmund suddenly appears by my side.

"I did not think I would see you at court so soon", I say smiling.

"His Majesty was generous enough to invite me to stay and I could hardly refuse him."

He escorts me to the hall and is about to leave to walk over to his father.

"Would you join me for some wine after supper in my chambers?" I hear myself asking hastily.

I can see the startled expression on his face but underneath it I also see something else.

"I thank you for the invitation, Your Grace, but I do not think it would be appropriate."

I am not a fool and know very well that it would be anything but proper but I can talk to Edmund and since I do not know when he would leave court there is no time like the present.

"I have been summoned by His Majesty tonight. Would you please join me for some wine before I go? I promise I will not hold you captive for more than an hour."

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