Attack on Reader part 1

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Levi's POV

I clocked out of work not so long ago and it just so happens that I got cought in a traffic jam. I just waited patiently considering the fact that I have all the time in the world.

I looked at my watch. 5:30. I thought about how I was going to have to tell F/N the truth  eventually. The real truth about working here. We  aren't what we seem and she's going to have to figure that out very soon. I didn't want to involve her in this mess in the first place. I wonder what she is doing right now. I hoped her and horseface finished my paper. It would be a pity if I had to move them from high class to janitor duty. Not that I would change the fact that F/N is my secretary. I already promised Hange that I wouldn't fire her. She's been through a lot. Apparently her parents abused her all her life and she just wants to start a new life here.

F/N, the girl who shared my pain. Of course I didn't have abusive parents but I know what it feels like, I've had my own share of trauma. As if loosing a mother wasn't bad enough, being forced to leave your home town to go start a life somewhere else because you had no choice but to become a thug was just another pain in the ass.

But still, I felt a connection to F/N. If only I could find a way to get close to her....

Speak of the devil. Right when I was thinking about F/N I saw her running across the streets with Jean, both of them holding hands.

And then I felt it again. The same feeling I had when I saw F/N pinning Jean down and taking a broom from him. I was...

Jealous. There was no fighting my feelings this time. It was no doubt that I felt a range of anger flow over me when I saw F/N with Jean.

Could they be together? Where are they going?

Oh Levi it's none of your business anyway. I thought to myself.

But for some reason I turned my car and their direction and started to follow them.

Reader's POV

“That was so fun Jean.” I said as Jean and I crossed the street after being honked at by about 50 cars. There was nothing special about people honking their cars at us we just loved seeing them get mad.

“Yeah. They don't call me ‘King of Fun’ for nothing.” he boasted.

“Shut up Jean nobody calls you that.” called Eren. He, Mikasa and Armin agreed to meet up with us because besides Hange,Moblit, and Jean I barley had friends

“Way to be a buzz kill, jerk.” said Jean. “Anyway don't be rude. Mikasa, Armin and baby dick, this is F/N. F/N, meet Mikasa, Armin and baby dick.

“Baby dick?” I said awkwardly “Have you two..... ”

“No No No, F/N it's not like that!” said Eren, blushing like crazy.
“We just like to make a lot of sexual references even though we're both virgins.”

“Speak for yourself.” responded Jean.

“Guys stop, your making her uncomfortable.” said Armin

“You guys  are so damn embarrassing.” said Mikasa rolling her eyes. To me she said “You want to get something to eat, F/N?”

“Yeah sure.” I said, still sounding awkward because of the conversation that just happened in front of me. I guess I wasn't feeling uncomfortable, it's just that I'm a very awkward person.

“Sorry About those two, F/N. They can get really weird. But I'm so glad that you decided to go out and eat with us.” said Armin. He's such a sweetheart.

“Remind us to never go anywhere with these assholes ever again. ” Mikasa said.

I giggled

Author's Note:

Fun fact: “Baby dick” is a reference from “A Slap on Titan” XD

Levi's POV

I've been following F/N around and I saw her giggling and joking around with Eren, Mikasa, Jean and Armin.

I could make you laugh like that too, F/N. I thought. I wonder what they we're laughing about anyway.

They started to walk off. I predict that they we're going to get something to eat.

She's ok, Levi. The brats are with her and they'll protect her. You can go home now.

And then I saw a blonde guy with a beard who looked like....

Zeke. My fucking enemy. The one I truly despise.

What did that beared bastard want? As I recalled we killed his spies just last week....

He didn't notice me, so I turned my windows down to hear what he was saying. “Yeah the cost is clear, F/N is going to go eat with them at F/R. I'll be there and I'll go grab her. Call Peick and Gabi and some other spies for back up.”


Two can play at this game, you  hairy fuck. I called Hange as fast as I could.

The phone kept ringing, “Come on! Pick up the phone bitch!”

She answered. “Hange, call the rest Survey Corps for back up. Meet up at R/N. Marley is planning to kidnap Y/N. Hurry up!”

“I'll be right there!”

I drove my car as fast as I could, not caring how many red lights I passed. That bastard is not getting F/N, over my dead body.

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