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Levi's POV

You shitty excuse for a secretary.” I said to F/N.

But she just smiled and said , “I've been called worse.” and left.

I inhaled and punched my desk. “God damnit Levi! Why do do have to be an asshole all the time?”

I sighed and decided to go look for her. I thought that I could say I'm sorry by buying her favorite food, but then I saw Yeager carrying her on his shoulder.

“Eren, put me down!” she said.

“I'll put you down when we get there.” he replied.

I sighed in dismay and went to the nearest closet, where I would grab a bottle of Windex and a cloth to clean with. I was sad, and cleaning always seemed to make me feel better.

I was sad because it seems like everytime I push F/N away she gets close to someone else. First I saw her playing games with horseface, and when I punished them both they've gotten closer ever since. And today I yelled at her because she was late and that only got her closer to Eren.

I opened the closet door but instead of finding cleaning materials I found Marco plowing Jean.

“Mr Ackerman sir!” they exclaimed. In panic Marco took his cock out of Jean's ass causing cum to skirt everywhere.

“Shit!” Jean yelled.

I closed the door without saying a single word and went to my office, where I broke down and cried.

“Mr. Ackerman, sir, I've filed the report you wanted.” I herd F/N say.

I was crying, and when I cried I didn't want to let anybody see but I made an exception for F/N because I felt myself developing feelings for her.

“Come in.”

When she saw hot tears streaming down my face she said, “Sir, what's wrong?”

“It's nothing, F/N.”

But she just sat next to me and took my hand and said, “If you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm always right here. You can tell me anything.”

I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I leaned into her chest and cried. Then I told her everything. About how I found Jean and Marco fucking each other in the closet and how that hurts me so much because I was born because my mother was a prostitute. And how I'm all alone and stressed out and how I just wanted to be loved my somebody.

And F/N talked about how she was abused all her life with nobody to turn to because nobody believed her when she would cry out for help and how she hated her family.

“You said that you found Marco pounding Jean. Do you see yourself doing that type of stuff with someone?” she asked.

I didn't answer.

“Mr. Ackerman-”

“Please, call me Levi.”

“Ok, Levi. I know life may suck and you hate the fact that you we're born because your mother was a  prostitute but one thing I know is that people have sex for so many different reasons. For love, for money, for pleasure. You name it. So why don't you find a lover to help you relive your stress?”

(OMG I sound like Otis from Sex Education. (+_+) )

“So your telling me to get rid of my stress through sex?” I asked, confused.

“I mean, yeah.”

“Is it something you would do?”

“I've always dreamed about having a lover that shares my pain and we get rid of it by intercourse ever since I watched 50 shades of Grey.” she said.

I smirked “Your into that bullshit?”

“I mean in a world full of hate you need love.” she said, trying to hide her embarrassment, which I found was cute.

“Thank you so much for listening to me. F/N. I'm no longer going to push you away.” I said, wiping my tears away. “I'm sorry.”

“It’s ok, really.”

I usually don't do this but when we got up I hugged her. Tight. And she hugged me back. I felt like I was in heaven while I was being surrounded by her warm arms.

But most importantly I thought about what she said.

“So why don't you find a lover to help you relive your stress?”

50 Shades of Ackerman {Modern Levi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now