Truth or Dare

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Reader's POV

It was game night at Ackerman Corp and we all decided to spend the night there and play truth or dare. (You guys are probably 19 or 20 in this playing a childish game of truth or dare but who gives a damn.)

"Ok F/N. It's your turn." said Hange. "Spin the bottle."

I spuned  the bottle and thankfully it landed on Jean. This was the perfect opportunity to get back at Jean for ruining my favorite outfit and not apologizing. Then he ate my F/F. Nobody touches my food.

"Ok Jean. Truth or dare."

"F/N, you think your going to dare me to do something that would get me in trouble. Stupid, I'm not gonna to met you get the chance. So truth." he said.

"Is it true that Marco pounded you in the closet, and when you guys got cought he was so freaked out that he took his cock out very quick, causing cum to skirt everywhere?" I asked.

The whole roomed gasped. (Except Mikasa, because we all know she barley shows her emotions)

Each person had a different reaction.

Hange: Oh my-

Mikasa: *Stayed Silent*

Connie: Congratulations, Jean! My mans Jean is don't play! Better watch out, Jean taking everybody man!

Ymir: Well I guess freckled Jesus isn't so much of a Jesus after all. I knew under his innocence there was a hint of daddy kinks.

Christa: Ymir be nice

Sasha: I always knew everybody here had a habit of sleeping with each other.

Eren: I always knew Jean was a bottom.

Armin: Guys stop your making Marco uncomfortable.

And sure enough Marco was a blushing mess. I kind of felt bad. After all I was willing to humiliate both Jean and Marco, as long as it meant that Jean got what he deserved for eating my food and ruining my favorite outfit. But then again I guess I owed Marco and apology. "I'm so sorry Marco."

"It's fine, F/N." he said. And for the most part I think he's ok. Nobody's going to judge him. Nobody has the right to anyway because Sasha once told me that she caught Ymir and Christa doing 'it' one time. And I'm pretty sure Eren slept with Mikasa.

"Yeah F/N. After all you and Armin are the only virgins here." said Jean.

Well he wasn't wrong.

But because I wanted to piss him off I said, "Yeah because I won't get caught being somebody's bitch in the closet."

"F/N I swear to God I'll get you back for this I'll teach you to keep your little mouth shut-"

"Oh we love gossip." Interrupted Hange. "But keep it down though. Levi is still here you know." then she turned to Ymir. "K Ymir it's your turn."

Ymir spun the bottle and it landed on me. "Truth or dare F/N."


"Guys you might want to keep it down Levi is walking passed out room." said Armin.

"Perfect. F/N I dare you to smack Levi's ass."

I paused.

"W- What?

"Your not deaf. I said that I dared you to smack Levi's ass."

"Yeah, F/N. Smack Levi's ass." mocked Jean.

"I-I-I-" I can't die today.

"Well looks like someone over here is scared of Levi." joked Eren.

"I am not scared. Besides, wouldn't that be sexual assault?"

"F/N, we all know that you don't have the balls to smack his ass because your scared of him." said Connie.

"I'm not scared of him, it's just that this seems kinda wrong and I don't want to-"

"Now F/N." said Hange. "You knew what you were getting into when you picked dare. Now woman up and do it."

And then she used all of her strength to throw me out. God damn she's so strong.

I saw Levi walking towards his office. I sighed.

I rushed up to him and without thinking twice, because if I'm going to do something like this I might as well do it quick. I smacked his ass.

"Did- Did you just smack my ass?"

"Yeah...." I said. If I die it's Ymir and Hange's job to pay for and arrange my funeral, because telling me to smack Levi's ass was a death sentence.

"Why are you harassing my ass?" he asked.


But before I had any chance to say anything else Levi grabbed my hand and dragged me to his office.

"Wh- what are you doing?" I asked. Was he going to throw me out of a window?

"I'm going to teach you something about smacking my ass, brat."

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