Daddy in the sheets

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Reader's POV

It was just another day working in the Survey Corps as spies and I was walking around with Levi as usual because he didn't want anything bad to happen to me while we were on this mission.

It wasn't long before we cought up Ymir, Christa and Connie that suddenly gun shots started breaking out.

The good news is that none of us got shot. The bad news is that we each had a good chance of getting shot because we couldn't see the person who was holding the gun.

“Shit! What are we going to do now?!” exclaimed Connie.

But suddenly I had an idea. It was reckless but I was willing to take the risk if it meant saving me friends so I left the group and  waited until I was alone to shout, “Hey you! Yeah you! Come shoot me if you can.”

Then the bullets kept heading straight for me. It's a good thing that Mikasa thought me a thing or to about dodging bullets or I would've already been dead by now.

A bullet almost hit my shoulders and I would have collapsed on the floor if I hadn't dodged it by staying on the ground. I haven't jumped that high ever since.

I finally reached my friends. “I'm fine! Everything is fine-” but then Levi grabbed me by my collar and yelled. “Why the hell would you go and do something so reckless, brat?”

I gulped. “I was just trying to-” but he didn't let me finish.

“You know how dangerous that was? You could've died! You know what. Forget it. Your heading back to the HQ with Ymir, Krista and Connie.”

“What am I? Their babysitter?” I protested.

“I don't wanna hear shit from you, F/N.” he said.

I was hurt. Levi called me by my government name. He usually called me baby.

I turned to Ymir Connie and Krista. “We don't just stand there. Come on.”

Time skip

It was sunset and we we're all back at the headquarters making s'mores near a campfire (because why not)

“My name C murda.” joked Connie, trying hard to be cool as usual. (If there was a contest for best try hard Jean would come in first place ofc. Connie would come in second lol.)

“Connie shut the fuck up.” said Ymir.

I bursted out laughing. (Snk characters are funny af)

“Hey you.” said Ymir, giving me a sly look.

“Are you talking to me?”

“Yeah you. How come you let Levi talk to you like that?” she asked.

I rolled my eyes. “He's the Lance Corporal and the admiral, Ymir. He talks to everyone like that.”

“Yeah, I get that. But why are you so quick to obey his orders.....” she stopped talking to give a evil grin. “Oh I get it. Your sleeping with him, aren't you?”

I swallowed my smore quicker causing my throat to get a little sore but I didn't care. “W-what?”

“You heard me. I said that your sleeping with Levi Ackerman. And I'm right, am I?”

“Did- Did you just assume that we're sleeping together because you see us together a lot?”

“No.” Ymir said as she took a bite of her smore. “I'm just saying you guys are sleep together because of how quick you are to obey his orders. He probably spanks you when your being a naughty girl.”

“Your so naive. But no, I am not sleeping with Levi.”

“Those hickies on your neck says otherwise.” said Ymir.

Then I noticed that I took my leather jacket off because it was getting hot and a sea of hickies appeared on my neck. Embarrassed, I put my jacket back on.

“Obey me the the streets call me daddy in the sheets.” joked Ymir.

“Damn F/N.” Connie said. “I didn't know you were that type of girl.”

“Leave her alone. She gets more action in a week that you'll ever get in a day of your life.” protested Krista

“Oh, I get action.” Connie argued back. “If fact I get so much action that.....”

I smiled and watched my friends argue about their bed life. No one would've been guessed that I sleep with Levi but somehow Ymir did. I'm kinda impressed.

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